Chapter 15

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Reese, or rather Sophie, was up and walking within the next two days despite the pain she still had

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Reese, or rather Sophie, was up and walking within the next two days despite the pain she still had.

Every time she had bumped into Seokjin, he had simply given her his notorious cold look before continuing to walk. Hand on his sword as a constant reminder that she was going to be constantly watched by him.

Not that she could do anything in this state, even if she wanted to.

She didn't go riding on the track after the attack, it was too risky-

"Good morning!" Mark, the stable boy, greeted as she sat in the stable with Domino as she groomed him. "I'm glad to see you're okay, you had everybody worried."

"I'm glad that I'm okay." She smiled softly, brushing out Domino's mane. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Ah, it's fine. It's the first bit of excitement in the castle since Taehyung was told he would have to find a suitable lady soon." Mark laughed softly, leaning on the wooden door. "Your accent is strange, where are you from?"

"Me? I don't have an accent, do I?" She laughed nervously.

"Only a slight one, but I'm surprised nobody has picked up on it." He grinned childlike.

"Ah, well I'm not from Ardarewien if that's what you're asking." She smiled softly, picking an apple out of her bag and holding it on a flat palm to Domino.

"Where are you from?" He grinned. "I won't tell anybody if you're from a poor kingdom or something. You have my word."

"My father was a great medic in Asilyra." She smiled, only telling a half lie. "My mother was a dancer from the same kingdom."

"So you're from Asilyra?" Mark hummed. "I heard that the kingdom is bustling and full of life and they have a festival once every year on the summer solstice and it looks so pretty-"

"Ah, when I was last there it was really busy in the villages and kingdom, and the festival was pretty." She smiled in remembrance. "I was going to pass through on my way here, but I got a warning that it had been taken over by a different kingdom." She had revealed too much-

"Really? Maybe Prince Taehyung can send an army to help-"

"He won't. His father won't allow it." She smiled sadly, rubbing Domino's muzzle. "Ardarewien and Asilyra aren't on good terms."

"That's unfortunate! Maybe the Princess is the right person for His Highness to marry-"

"What on earth are you two talking about this time?" Seokjin spoke coldly, stood at the entrance to the stable.

"I was discussing with Sophie about her home kingdom!" Mark smiled brightly.

"I haven't been there in years though." She lied, stepping out the stable, her dress covered in hay. "I've been travelling for a long time."

"That's unfortunate, maybe you can go back one day and send a letter to me!" Mark grinned, tapping his nose out of the eyeshot of Seokjin before waving and running off.

"Should you be up on your feet so soon?" Seokjin asked, walking into the stable for his white horse. "You took quite a few injuries."

"Jimin gave me the all clear." She kept her voice clean of emotion. He nodded curtly, lips open as if he was going to say anything else. "Thank you. If you hadn't had came to save me, I would've been dead."

"His Highness wants you safe, and whatever he wants is my job-"

She decided she wouldn't tell him that Taehyung had told her that he hadn't even given the order to get her.

"Thank you, either way." She bowed her head before walking out the stable before the air could get anymore suffocatingly tense.

Seokjin sighed once she had left, knowing he had gone to save her of his own accord. His heart fluttered as she walked out and he shook his head.

"Nonsense. This isn't a place for friends and love." He muttered to himself, opening the stable door and mounting his horse and headed out where the rest of his men waited for him. He bowed his head and they all followed him on their horses for their routine patrol of the kingdom.

Maybe that would clear his head.

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