Chapter 32

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Hoseok sighed as he laid down on his makeshift cot, pulling the worn blankets over him. His injuries were healing well, thanks to Jimin and Reese. A couple more days of rest and he should be able to hold himself in a fight. He couldn't deny the look on the princess's face when she laid her eyes on his wounds. He scolded her softly, telling her not to worry about such things. However, he couldn't help but smile at how she hadn't changed despite everything she's been through. She still put others before herself, just like her sweet mother taught her.

"What are you smiling about Hoseok?" Yoongi asked, sitting down beside him.

"Reese," Hoseok hummed.

Yoongi sighed in understanding. He was aware of the princess and her guard's relationship- best friends ever since they met. Hoseok was constantly worried about her well being, not only in a guard's sense. They cared deeply for each other, well because they really only have each other now. The king of Asilyra was murdered by Prince Namjoon himself, a blade to the gut was enough to kill him. It was hard for the man to tell the princess about what has occurred during Namjoon's rule, and it hasn't been great.

Yoongi never liked to see girls cry, and it was certainly not the best time he had, with meeting the princess of Asilrya for the first time. He couldn't forget how hysterical she got, crying and wailing out into Hoseok's chest. If it weren't for him and Jimin, she would have passed out. It's going to be hard on Reese when she finally takes her kingdom back, she's only 16, ruling an entire kingdom at such a young age is no easy feat.

However, the man offered his assistance in helping her.

"Why did you help us Yoongi? Aren't you an Adarewien?" Hoseok asked, looking at the man.

Yoongi sighed, leaning back against the wall.

"To be completely honest with you, I'm a wanderer, I come and go as I please and I don't identify myself as part of any kingdom, I don't want that burden. Why I'm helping you and Reese is because the land separating Asilrya and Adarewien is beautiful and a sight to behold. If I could, I would build a cottage and live there. However, with the conflict, it isn't safe for me to do that."

Hoseok nodded. He was familiar with the vast fields and forests across the kingdom borders.

"Tell you what, since you're helping us, we'll build you that house," Hoseok offered.

"Really? I'm really tired of the noise here," he smiled in gratitude.

"Of course," the other nodded. "You're going into something dangerous and you didn't have to do that, it's the least we could do."

Yoongi chuckled with a gummy smile.

"I can see why the princess feels so close to you, you're just like her."

Hoseok's features turned serious as he remembered what was at stake.

"We must do this right, not just for Reese, but for us," he firmly stated.

"Yes, when we move out of here, we need to stay out of the sight of Statha's army. They're here in town waiting for the Prince's orders. I'd rather not be here when that happens."

"Well then, let's hope we get out of this kingdom, reasonably intact."

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