Chapter 9

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Reece walked through the halls in a dress that was given to her by the maid. She’d go spend the evening with Domino. It would clear her head and she would be able to form a plan on just exactly how she would take back her kingdom.

“Domino!” She smiled softly, seeing the stallion in the stable. She smiled and lifted her hand up and he came and pressed his muzzle into the palm of her hand. “We’ll get back our kingdom, I promise.”

“Wait, that’s your horse?” A young boy, probably no older than early teens, stood there with wide eyes.

“I reared him myself.” Reece smiled softly.

“He’s beautiful. Could you ride him, so I can see him in action?” He grinned.

“I would, but I don’t think the Prince would be too happy having me ride him in the courtyard-”

“We have a track in the back.” He grinned. “It’s mainly used for running for the guards to train on though. But we sometimes see the captain on it on his horse.”

“Can I have a saddle?” She smiled softly down at the young boy. “I got stopped by bandits on the way to the kingdom, they even stole his saddle.”

Lies she thought to herself.

“Of course! I’ll even put it on and everything for you! It’s my job, after all, I am the stable boy.”

Within the next half hour, Reece was mounted and walking within the castle walls to the track at the back, the track was simply dirt and headed into a small woods. She smiled.

“Your horse should be able to complete it within minutes.” The boy smiled. “Oh! By the way, I’m Mark!”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ll be back soon.” She winked before squeezing her thighs together as a signal to get Domino to move again, and soon he had taken off in a gallop, following the dirt path.

Seokjin’s room had an overview of the track, so when he heard neighing he peered out his window. There he saw the (hair coloured) girl galloping on her horse across the dirt path. He looked around and saw Mark sat cross-legged at the beginning of the track watching her.

“Of course…” He chuckled softly, his eyes being drawn to where the girl was disappearing into the woods. Mark always got people to run their horses when they got there. He roughly thought out how long it would take her to weave about the trees and appear at the other opening. A few seconds, maximum.

He felt a pang of worry when the girl didn’t reappear within seconds, but her horse did. Mark stood up, alert. Seokjin’s hand flew to his sword. The girl didn’t seem to be harmful, but the prince had Ladies who had been hired by assassins to act innocent and sweet and then poison him when he least expected it.

So his brain worried that the girl had used the woods to sneak off and go to the Prince, his feet took him there first. Pounding on the Prince’s private chambers. The messy haired male strolling out as if he had every second to waste.

But Seokjin’s heart worried about something else.

“She’s gone,” Seokjin spoke before Taehyung had a chance to question why the captain of his guard stood at his door, tense. “Mark had her riding, and her horse emerged from the woods, but she didn’t. She’s not here is she?”

Taehyung clicked onto what his elder, his guard, was on about and shook his head.

“I know you’re suspicious, but she could be injured,” Taehyung spoke, grabbing his own rapier and pushing past the captain, heading down towards the track.

When he got there, the black and white horse came up to him, almost if begging him to get on.

“I’ll go.” Seokjin sighed softly, his cold face remaining. “It could be dangerous.” Seokjin easily mounted the horse, and he didn’t even need to squeeze his legs before Domino took him in the direction of the woods. He was taken aback by the speed of the traveller's horse, but he cleared his head of that thought, his main focus was on finding the traveller. But he couldn’t stop the nagging thought of how harsh he was towards her earlier.

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