Chapter 45

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Reese sat atop Domino, her hand running through his mane as they awaited Namjoon's arrival.

"You don't have to do this you know," Seokjin spoke from beside her, his voice quiet so nobody could hear them. "We will all completely understand if you want to go back into the castle-"

"Seokjin." She turned to face him. "I understand you want to protect me, but I have to do this." Her eyes were full of compassion, understanding, and tiredness. "I can't continue to run away from my problems, what sort of Queen would I end up being if I couldn't defend my kingdom?"

"I understand. No matter what happens, if you need help, call for help. We've devised a plan to be able to help you and minimize casualties." He smiled kindly. "Hoseok came up with the plan."

"He came up with that plan?" Her eyes widened in shock and he nodded.

"We've thought of ways to keep you safe whilst preventing as many deaths as we can." He hummed gently. Reese couldn't help but smile at this.

"Thank you Seokjin." She smiled, the gentle breeze blowing through her cape that Seokjin had leaned her for the time being until the fight started. Her hair was pulled back and clipped into place with the hairpin that was forged by Jimin's mother and given to her own.

"It's no problem, Princess." He smiled softly, and soon they could all hear the sound of hooves and footsteps nearing the kingdom. Seokjin looked over at her one last time just in case it would be his last.

She turned and glanced towards him, her eyes soft for a brief moment before solid determination filled them and she turned back to face what could be a rather deadly fight.

"Why hasn't our other forces turned up yet?" Yoongi huffed. Reese sighed.

"It takes time to get here," Lisa explained. "He should be here before Statha's forces get here, but they're going to be exhausted-"

"Get ready," Reese spoke loud enough, tone full of authority and not a single drop of fright. Her voice was enough to send shivers down the five males spines and the army that supported them. "We're going to have losses today, but I will make sure you will not die in vain. After this war, I shall free the Kingdoms under Namjoon's rule, I shall free any citizens and I will make sure everywhere lived in peace without having to worry about much again. I can promise you that."

"We believe you." Prince Taehyung smiled softly from beside her, reaching over and resting a hand on her shoulder. "We will stand with you, from here on out, we are Asilyra's allies once more."

"I'm happy to accept that alliance, my Prince." She bowed her head before she saw Namjoon in the distance and her blood ran cold.

"Deep breaths Princess," Seokjin whispered. "You'll be fine."

"Can I finally kill him?" Hoseok whisper yelled to Yoongi who simply laughed.

"We haven't been given any orders yet," Yoongi spoke softly. "Soon."

"We're all ready when you are, Princess," Jisoo spoke clearly and Reese nodded.

"Are you all ready?" She got back a war cry and she smiled softly. "Are you ready Dom?" She whispered.

He reared back onto hind legs and let out a loud neigh before landing.

"Let's do this." She whispered before sitting up straight. "Archers! Ready! Aim!"

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