Chapter 19

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Her heart fluttered remembering Taehyung asking her to come to the ball with her

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Her heart fluttered remembering Taehyung asking her to come to the ball with her. At first, she had responded with a solid 'No because I don't have anything to wear' however Taehyung said that was fine, he'd send her a dress.

So in the end, she agreed.

That explained how she was dressed up in a formal, tight fitting, dress and walking to the ballroom downstairs with one of Seokjin's best men at her side.

She saw Taehyung stood outside the doors to the ballroom and he turned to look at her, his eyes widening as he saw her and the wide eyes were replaced by a grin. "You look like you could be a princess."

If only you knew Taehyung...

Taehyung extended his hand out to her, and she took it gently. He smiled softly, he didn't want to hurt his friend, his captain of the guard, but it was Taehyung's idea to offer her a place to stay and-

The music and the warm air welcomed them with open arms as the doors opened, the candlelit ballroom bustling with people who were dancing, flirting, eating, drinking and watching.

Taehyung leant down. "I'll be right beside you, don't worry okay?"

Reese nodded and stood formally as her parents had taught her, her back straight, head up high. Her princess instincts kicking in.

The night was spent laughing quietly amongst themselves, a few dances and then Taehyung's attention being taken away to his father's side.

Reese stood there beside them, not listening to the conversation since she wasn't a part of it anyway. That's when her eyes landed on two faces that made her feel sick to her stomach-

"Ah, Prince Namjoon, Jungkook." Taehyung's father greeted. "Where's that dreaded person you're married to?"

"Hm? Reese?" Namjoon asked, an angry glint in his eyes. "Ah Princess Reese was dreadfully ill with food poisoning that morning, so we've postponed the wedding until she's feeling better."

Liar. Dirty liar. You murdered half of my people-

She noticed Jungkook turn to look at her and she quickly turned and walked away. Her steps smooth and calculated so it looked like she was simply just walking away and not planning on sprinting the moment she left the ballroom.

Her heart pounded, blood racing through her ears and the moment the door shut behind her. She shot off. Running down the hallways.

She had to get out, she had to hide-

"Sophie?" Seokjin's voice startled her, causing her to run to falter but not soon enough as she tumbled into him. "Why are you running? I thought you were meant to be at the ball?"

She felt the tears shine in her eyes, her vision slightly blurred. "I-I..."

Come on, think of a lie since you seem to be great at doing so-

"I felt sick, I had some of the seafood and it hasn't agreed with me-" she moaned in discomfort quietly, hands on her stomach.

"Ah, sorry. I'll send a maid up to check on you shortly. I hope you feel better." He bowed and left her. She ran, she ran up to her chambers and slammed the door behind her. She let the sobs tear through her body.

"I-If they're here then..." the realization tore through her. Her personal guard and his men weren't able to take them down- she ran to the bathroom and threw up at the thought. She heard the gentle knock of the door and the maid greet her.

"Oh my dear, the seafood mustn't be treating you well." She cooed. "That dress can't be helping, let's get you out of it and get you into something looser."

She was curled up, throwing up until nothing else could physically leave her body that way. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat and she shivered.

"Sophie?" She heard the voice of Seokjin call through the room.

Great the last person I want to deal with-

As he opened the bathroom door, she leant over the toilet and bawled again, nothing coming out but loud sobs.

"Sophie are you okay?" His voice sounded concerned. She shook her head, too tired to even lean back against the wall. She felt two hands support her and lift her up gently and she felt the sway of footsteps as she was blinded by her own tears.

She was laid in bed, amongst her sheets, as she heard a soft sigh. "I got the chef and servants to stop the seafood." She felt the dip of the bed near her feet as he sat down. "The chef sends his deepest apologies."

She nodded weakly.

"You look terrible, you know that?" He chuckled softly.

"Thanks, that's really what I wanted to hear..." she croaked out weakly.

"You should get some sleep-"

"I can't..." her reply cut him off.

"Why not?"

"I'm scared..."


Time to lie again.

"Because... I get flashbacks of being attacked in the woods outside again and-" sobs shook her as she thought of something else.

"Would you sleep better if I told you I'd stay here to protect you?" He muttered quietly, eyes staying away from her.

Her heart fluttered, or was that her stomach? He went from saying he'd kill her if necessary to watch over her-

"I guess..."

"Then I'll stay here till you fall asleep. After that, I have to go make sure Taehyung is safe."

She nodded and closed her eyes. She hugged herself, visions of how Hoseok, her personal guard was haunting her brain despite not knowing anything- she screwed up her face and-

Before the images could get any worse, a soft gentle lullaby left Seokjin's lips, lulling her to sleep and soon it took over her, thankfully without any more images in her head.

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