- You're my favorite person -

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This is your village, Euphoria.

"(Y/n)! Time to get up!"
You slowly opened your eyes, revealing the sun beams running through your blinds.
The fire place across your bed wasn't burning, but the smell of a glorious breakfast was filling your room.
You sat up from under your cozy thick fleece blankets, and stretched your arms out wide.
You took a deep breath in, and sighed it out happily. It's Saturday. I get to have a break from 'future ruler' duties today and I'll visit Hiccup too.
You always perked up when the idea of Hiccup popped up into your mind.
He wasn't your only friend, but he was your best.
Accepting the fact that you couldn't go back to sleep, you swung the blankets from on your lap to the side. And put on your fuzzy socks.
"(Y/n), I told you to get up-"
Your mom opened your door and you walked through it.
"I believe I'm free to do whatever I please today mother..?"
You gave her a sly look and talked in an over dramatic fancy tongue.
Your mother chuckled. "Yes I guess that's true, just have fun today... also I made you breakfast if your hungry." you smiled as the thought of food grazed your mind, and turned to the spiral stairs.
"And be careful (y/n), you're only 15, so act like it!"
You promised her you'd be safe and walked downstairs.
Sitting at the head seat of the luxurious long table, you ate.

--after breakfast--

You got dressed in your regular attire.
Dark blue jeggings, combat boots with fur inside, a thick long sleeved back shirt covered by a fur vest, and a cloak- like hat that matched your boots and vest.
You walked out from your suite, waving at friendly people in your village as you walked to your balcony.
You let out a loud whistle to call your dragon, (d/n).
Your dragon was a (color) European.
She was very rare and the (feathers/scales) at the end of her bat wings made flawless sharp turns.
She was flexible and flowy.
Her venomous teeth were sharp and her scales were glistening. You loved her in every way. Her beauty, loyalty, and the understanding and trust she had in you.
You mounted her and with one swift wing flap, you were up into the air.
The thick fog gave the perfect route to fly all the way to Berk unnoticed.
You landed at the usual spot for when you'd meet with Toothless and Hiccup.
You waited for about 2 minutes before branches started cracking and Toothless appeared.
"I knew it was you mister..." you explained, relieved. Toothless ran to you and happily greeted you before running to (d/n).
They started communicating and jumping around.
"Haha! Ya got us!" Hiccup appeared from behind the tree and you ran to him, giving him a friendly hug. He hugged you back and blushed. You guys are boyfriend and girlfriend of 4 months.
"So.. what do you wanna do today?" You asked with a luring tone.
"Wanna get some food and explore the Hallelujah mountains? Oh! And then we can watch the sunset at the end of the day! I hear it's supposed to be super colorful tonight from the eclipse!"
You gave a big smile and said "That sounds absolutely amazing."
You both mounted your dragons and flew off, starting your day- I mean, 'date'

---Timeskip to sunset---

You both sat upon the Hallelujah mountains, watching the sunset off the oceans horizon.
You sat close to Hiccup and he put his arm around you.
You smiled and leaned your head on his shoulder.
"Isn't it beautiful?" You said calmly while Hiccup pulled you closer. "Yeah, almost as beautiful as you."
You sat up slightly and looked into his eyes. You were gazing into each other's eyes.
Before he could say anything else, you embraced him in a passionate kiss.
He grabbed your waist and you held onto the back of his neck.
As the kiss intensed, you started running your hands through his soft, Auburn hair.
You both pulled away slowly and looked at each other. Hiccup tried to hide his smile, as did you.
The butterflies in your stomach were calming as you both cuddled and the sun slept.
"Yeah?" He said in a dreamy voice.
"I love you."
He faced you, layed a small kiss on your lips and said "I love you too. So much."
You smiled very wide and closed your eyes, turning your head to watch the rest of the sunset, you felt safe.
After flying back home, you went up to your room with (d/n).
(D/n) lay on her massive fur bed and yawned. She kneaded on her blanket.
You flopped on your bed and stared at the ceiling. You sighed thinking about everything that happened today.
"I think I want to be with this man for the rest of my life."
(D/n) let out a purr of approval.

You let your mind drift off and fell asleep.

I loved writing this chapter, hope you guys like it!:)

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now