-I have some news...-

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-Morning, it's your 3rd month on Berk-

"(Y/n)? We should go see your mother.."
My eyes shot open and I stared at Hiccup with a worried expression, knowing he was right.
Reality sprung back to me an I rolled over in Hiccup's comfy bed, groaning.
"Hicc. Babe. Seriously?" Wiping my eyes and covering my face from the rays of sunshine.
I was sprawled out while I stared at the ceiling and had a serious conversation with my lover.
He went on about how I have returned and stayed in Berk for a while.. all while my mom has no idea I'm alive.
Berk sure did do a good job with keeping secrets.
"I... I, uh-"
Hiccup just looked at me with an odd expression and a tilted head.
I sat up and looked him in the eyes. "I think you're right."
A wide smile appeared across his adorable face.
"Of course I'm right babe."
He kissed my cheek and smiled.
I got up and Hiccup helped me get ready before we left his house.


I became more and more nervous by the second.
As I mounted (d/n), I thought about the last encounter I had with my mother and father... the sadness in their eyes made me feel so guilty.
Hiccup sat behind me on (D/n) as we secretly flew out of Berk.
We flew over a forest. The same forest we shared our first kiss by.
"Head North, and cut through this mountain cave up here." Hiccup pointed ahead.
He was amazing at giving directions, it was one of his many talents. He had mapped every island we thought there could be. I remember when I used to help him too. Flying down upon these woods, discovering so many new places and dragons.
I can't believe I gave that up. What a shit move.

Exiting the mountain cave, we came up to the island. It looked so much different.. like newer and prettier. Only the buildings though, the plants looked the same.
"Wow.. I wanna know what's happening down there. Who's ruling.. my brothers. How are my parents?!"
I was getting nervous and my stomach dropped more than usual as (D/n) dove down to her abandoned home.
Seeing the people glare up at you, and dragons still roaming the village made me shiver with curiosity.
"(Y/n), babe. Look at me."
I turned my head to face Hiccup's. His voice soothed my worries just a little. I knew that if anything went wrong, he'd be there with me.
"Everything's gonna be okay, okay? I'm always going to be here for you. I love you."
I smiled as he hugged me from behind.
"I love you too."

We landed and trotted thought the village once again.
Making our way past the crowds, I think I saw my brothers..
Two identical tweens running with younger kids in a large tent.
My face lit up and in a moment of realization and heartache, I jumped off of (d/n), abandoning Hiccup once again.
"Woah! Wait! (Y/n)!"
I was too fast and he couldn't grab my hand in time. I ran to the two little boys yelling "Harris!! Henry!!"
They both looked out from the tent, stopped dead in their tracks and looked at me.
"(Y/n)?! I-s it really you?!"
Henry jogged to me and a Harry followed with tears building up in his eyes.
They jumped into my arms and pulled me to the ground in a massive embrace.
"Oh my god!! I-I- I've missed you sooo much!! I'm so sorry for leaving!!! I love you guys with all of my heart!!"
They were both crying in my arms, unable to speak.
I grabbed their cheeks and smushed them together.
"You guys are so big!!"
"(Y/n)! Where did you go?! Why did you leave us?!"
"Harris? Henry!" I heard a familiar woman's voice call from behind the tent.
Hiccup walked up to us, just catching up with me. He smiled so wide, just like when him and I reunited.
The woman the voice belonged to came around the corner and I could feel my heart swell.
"W-What?" She covered her mouth with her hands and tears fell down her face.
"(Y/n)!!!" She threw her arms into the air and fell to the ground, pulling me into her chest.
She cradled me as we both cried immensely.
It must've been 5 minutes that I've been in a giant group hug with my long lost family.
"(Y/n) why- h-how..?"
"It's okay mom. I'm here now."
My family came in closer and my heart felt at peace.

This whole day was just crazy. I was reintroduced to my old friends, my old nurse, racing buddies, and more. I also introduced my boyfriend to.. everybody. Surprisingly people accepted him. Even if he is a Viking.
My room remained untouched, not dusted or cleaned. The one thing that was picked up was the letter I left on my desk.
That letter changed so many perspectives.

There however, was some devastating news.

"Where's father?" I asked
Hiccup and I walked hand in hand, following my mother and brothers down the long corridors.
"I'll take you to him." My mother answered.
My brothers had an uneasy face at that sentence at first. They shook it off, probably thinking I didn't notice.
"So he's like your husband?" Harris questioned me while walking backwards. The blush on Hiccup's face was as cute as it was priceless.
Henry butted In "Harris! He's her BOYfriend. They aren't married!"
Hiccup giggled. "Not married yet."
"Ohhhh. Okay I get it now."
I laughed and smiled at them. I squeezed Hiccup's hand and rested my head on his shoulder. I'd never been so happy.
Harris turned around again. "So when will you get married?"
"Here, (y/n)."
My mother spoke, turning around and smiled weakly at me. I looked around.
It was the 'heart of the village' as my people like to call it. The French doors were held open by two muscular guards.
The large open place was quiet for being the middle of the village. A large yin yang made out of bricks was under our feet built into the road.
There was a stream and a small waterfall surrounded by rich vegetation and flowers. The dew of last nights condensation lay upon the grass and leaves. It sparked with every step we took.
I stopped walking when I finally took notice to the colossus statue in the center of the beauty.
It was a marble statue of.. my father.
He stood tall with a large staff and indescribable beauty.
On the rock he stand upon, something struck my attention.
It was the note I had left to my family before I left them.
It was coated on the corners with metal and sealed for protection.
I wanted to cry. I felt the loving arms of my boyfriend wrap around my upper body.
My mother walked to me, everything felt like it was in slow motion.
I had no more tears, no more emotions, but only for that minute.
"(Y/n), it's been so long."
I looked up upon her face and didn't say a word, only gave her a weak smile and nodded slightly.
"He died peacefully in his sleep a year after you left."
She paused- and looked me in the eyes as Hiccup had a moment of realization.

"You're the Chieftess, (y/n)."

"Welcome home."

End of chapter.

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now