- It' getting better -

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The day started when you felt a small bruising pain in your amputated leg.
It was healed, scarred up but it was fully closed and healthy.
You groaned as (d/n) flew into your window and brought you an apple.
You could just sense you were still in pain.
You sighed "I don't deserve you girl."
She purred and rubbed against your face.
You laughed and scratches under her chin while her leg shook with happiness like a puppy.
This made her incredibly excited and jumpy. She started jumping around and you giggled at her clumsiness.
She got dangerously close to your pots and pans. She knocked them over and they went crashing from a shelf about 3 feet from the ground.
You smiled at her while she calmed down and walked away from her mistake.
Looking at the dishes reminded you of the day you had picked them up. You and (d/n) had foraged these from beached boats and lost ruins around the island.
This was way before you made such a large house and built a life from dust.
Grabbing your crutches, you stood.
Walking over to the iron rods and plates, an idea popped into your head.
"Hey (d/n), uh- how much medicine do we have left over?"

--- At Berk ---

Hiccup laid in his bed and stared up at his wooded ceiling.
Toothless was by his side squirming in his seat. As if he was a dog that had to go outside.
"What bud? Are you okay?"
Toothless licked Hiccup's face and Hiccup pulled away annoyed.
Toothless felt like a sad little baby ever since Hiccup started rethinking his whole life ahead of him. How he couldn't stop (y/n) from running away or how he never really talked deeply to her.
He knew it was silly to think it was his fault, but he couldn't help it!
No one could help it in fact. Everything was depressing when (y/n) and Stoick died.. or were never seen again.

But all of this was before they started healing.

Ya see, the village of Euphoria started healing about a year after (y/n) disappearance. They thought of different ways to bring happiness and joy to the village. This means that there were a lot more festivals and diversity. That's the way (y/n) would have wanted it.
Berk was still in the process but they were getting there.
An incredibly beautiful thing has happened after Euphoria opened its eyes and looked to other islands for help.
Remember when they all flew around to other islands to ask about (y/n)'s disappearance?
Well after that, other islands reported and gave feedback on if they ever found her. They still do it to this day.
Every island stays in contact now. Every island is spiritually alive and connected. The people of the islands found things they have in common.
Guess what?
One of your lifetime friends had married a Berkian by his choice. You'd never imagine such a thing right?! Well it happened.
This all started after Euphoria island made a treaty with Berk. They did this because Berk was the closest island to them.
The treaty at first stated that ether island could call upon each other in any need including trade, donating weapons, bartering, materials, or food.

After the two Chiefs, Stoick and Fitz had met, they talked over wine, whiskey, and bread.
They immediately became friends.
They decided to change the treaty to where they could ask each other for reinforcements during battle, or maybe even war.
Trust was the key in this case. Trust is what holds people together and breaking it tears people apart.
Of course when you disappear, the best things happened.
When you disappeared, you opened the eyes of your family and friends.
Maybe it really was for the better.

--- Your treehouse ---

"This is actually going well.."
(D/n) brought you a few more pieces of thin iron and flexible rubber strips.
Sitting on your bed, you reminisce about everything you had learned in Chief training. You came to realize that pretty much everything was helpful from all those years of school.
Grabbing some supplies, you heated up the rubber and connected it to a 6 inch cylinder light-iron. This material was very light so that it would be easy to run and walk without being weighed down.
You had the two bottom pieces and from then on, you worked your way up.
Measuring the width of your knee, you connected the pieces together with hooks and screws. It was a perfect fit. Packing it with sheep's wool and soft plush, it really worked.
Assembling the leg was the most time consuming part. Luckily, it only took about a day of sitting on a day and fitting things properly.
You knew it would have to be absolutely perfect so you could take the prosthetic off, but never take the rod out of your actual knee.
Every part was sprawled out on your bed and you started attaching them. Starting with the bottom, or door of it you could say.
Connecting the strong and bendy bottom to the metal rod, then to an 'ankle' like piece that moved with your control.
Next you connected the 'ankle' to a longer rod that would act as your calf.
That longer rod was topped off with a metal knee cap and a rod coming down form the middle to connect to the other rod that was already installed into your leg.
You knew the hardest and most painful part would be connecting the second rod into the first inside your bone marrow.
You decided to do it without meds.
Syringes wouldn't make a difference in your bone.
You took a small hammer with a metal Ron in your right hand.
Slipping it into the other rod that was sticking out of your leg from the start, you took a breath and hammered it four times, deep into your bone.
"Ahh! AHH!"
You fell back and took numerous breaths. The pain faded fast, as you were used to pain in this area.
Feeling relieved, you slipped the prosthetic into place and pushed it until you heard a 'click.'
It was a success!
You had made an acceptable working leg and you were so proud of the pain you have gone through.
You were so excited to try it out.
You stood up on it, flinched, and fell right down.
(D/n) caught you before you fell to the ground, and you cried happy tears.. and also because it hurt so fucking bad.
(D/n) sniffed your leg and you smiled weakly at her.
"Don't worry, it won't be like this forever."

End of chapter. Things are heaten upppppp dude

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now