- I have to go -

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Just another regular morning...

After completing your morning routine, you walked downstairs to the dining hall.
As you walked past all of the maids and citizens setting up lunch.
Everyone's dragons flew far above you, watching the tasty food being prepared.
You grabbed an apple off of a tray as you danced through the crowd.
You exited through the large corridors and (d/n) was waiting there, wagging her tail.
Today you'd see Hiccup again and you couldn't wait.

As you flew up to the Yellowstone island,
(aka itchy armpit.. Hiccup made that one up)
you spotted Hiccup and Toothless doing exactly what they said they'd be doing- mapping more lands.
You landed and Toothless ran towards (d/n).
(D/n) tackles Toothless before he can tackle her and they play as you walk up to Hiccup.
He turns to look at you and his face perks up.
"Good evening beautiful." He stands up and opens his arms to you.
You blush and strutted to him, pulling him into a tight embrace.
"Hey future chief what you up to?"
He sits back down on the ground and starts drawing the land he sees before him.
"Oh ya know..mapping islands, searching for maybe different dragon species."
"Ohh and hows that going?" You sat down next to him, laid your head on his shoulders and brushed your fingers through his hair.
He picked you up by your waist and you sat on his lap, facing him as he held your sides.
"It varies." He says while he leans in for a kiss.
You embrace for about 2 seconds before Toothless and (d/n) come tumbling into you, sending you both flying.
You get up and see Toothless licking Hiccups face and body as he squirms underneath the dragon.
You start laughing uncontrollably as (d/n) nudges your arm and you hug her.
Her tail was wagging and she starts panting like a pug seeing you happy.
"Toothless! Stop! That'll never wash out bud!"
Hiccup is yelling at him while your sides are cramping from laughter. Then, Toothless finally stops.
Hiccup gets up and flicks spit in his dragons face.
"I guess he wanted a kiss too!"
You're laughing historically and Hiccup looks up at you.
You lock eyes with him from across the tiny island and he gives you a sly look.
"Oh baby, you won't be laughing after this!"
He starts running at you.
Listening to your instinct, when something chases after you, ya run.
Hiccup chased you around the small strip of land and eventually caught up to you.
"No! Nooo!" He grabs you from behind and picks you up, bare hugging you while twirling you around.
Your back and hair was now covered in dragon saliva.
You both fall down, with you still wrapped up in his arms.
"Hiccup! Aghhhh!" You laughed, laying next to and facing him.
"You have.. such a beautiful laugh, (y/n)."
You covered your face and smiled through a large blush.
You sighed and looked at him with a dreamy look.
"You're everything I could ever ask for, Hiccup."
He smiled and kissed you. You pulled away and laughed as you wiped Toothless's saliva off of your lips.
"Oh sorry, Toothless doesn't have very appetizing breath." He chuckled.
You looked at him happily.

Just then, from inside the fog above you is a dark dragon's shadow.
It interrupted the soft moment as you both looked up.
You gasped "That must be someone from my island!"
Hiccup looked at you worried. "Yeah that didn't look like a dragon from Berk.
"I-I have to go!" You kissed Hiccup one last time before you ran off and jumped onto (d/n), disappearing into the sky.
You landed onto the familiar grounds of your island and rode on the back of (d/n) as she trotted like a horse around the village.
"(Y/n)! There you are!"
You turned around to a familiar voice. It was your father, the Chief.
"Oh, hi dad. What have you been up to today?"
"Well (y/n) I could ask you the same question."
You became nervous. "I-uh just took (d/n) out for a ride."
"Okay well, I'm glad that your back because it's lunch time and I was thinking we could have a nice hour, just with our family."
"Sounds good." You felt relived that he wasn't the one flying above you a while ago.
You all come around the table and sat with your food.
You, your 2 little brothers, Harris and Henry, and your parents, Fitz and Sailey, the rulers of Euphoria Island.
In the middle of dinner or so, one of our maids came in with a single letter resting on a silver tray.
Your mother kindly took the note and opened it carefully.
You watched her closely as she tore them open and her face lit up.
"Fitz." He was too busy tending to the boys.
"Fitz, deer?" She raised her voice slightly.
"Uh, yes what is it?" He looked at her and she smiled wide.
"The Pharaohs accepted."
My father looked at me and so did my mom.
"Who's accepted what..?" I managed to get out.
"Boys. You are excused." My mother ordered.
My brothers ran to the large corridors and up the spiral stairs.
My nerves started to sprout and my stomach turned.
"Fitz are you going to tell her..?"
"Well-uh-" he was obviously uneasy about the situation.
"Just tell me." I said trying to remain calm.
"(Y/n), the Pharaoh clan has accepted your hand and you will be married to the chief's eldest son!"
"What! But mom!! W-wait you can't just give me up to some- some random guy! What if I liked someone else?! Why isn't it my choice?!"
Your mom shot you a deadly stare and said
"You will NOT raise your voice at your mother. You are a female future ruler and you will accepted your responsibilities weather you like it or not!"
Tears fell from your eyes as you pleaded. "Mom! Please you can't make me marry some person I don't even know!"
"It's to stop a war (y/n). Giving the hand of a fair maiden to another northern island will stop a war between opposing ones. It is in the prophecy of islands." Your dad explained to you. "Besides-" your mother interrupted, " You'll get to know him soon, we'll be coming to his 20th annual Chief ceremony!"
"20th?! How old is he?!"
You were crying and shot your parents a look of utter dissatisfaction, slamming your fists on the table before you left the room, not giving another word.
"(Y/n)! Listen to your parents!"
But you didn't. You disappeared up the stone stairs and into your room. You locked the door and that was the last time you had seen your families faces.

I'm really stating to get into this book ahh!! I hope you like it!:)

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now