-Do you know what this means?!-

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I woke up to the familiar sound of my dragon calling me from outside.
(D/n) usually made bark-like sounds to find where I am.
I fell asleep naked on Hiccup's chest.
As I sat up a bit more.
"Ughhhh.. I'm so fucking sore.."
I looked up at Hiccups gorgeous face sleeping peacefully.
How his messy hair draped across his face, and his mouth hung open just slightly to make his lips part.
Resting my hand on his toned and warm chest moving up and down, I felt his heartbeat strongly on my fingertips.
I truly love him.

(D/n) broke the soft moment by jumping on Hiccup's roof, creating a loud thud and waking up Hiccup.

His eyes slowly opened and he shifted his head, lazily looking at me. He stretched and hugged me tightly, wrapping me in his welcoming strong arms.
"Good morning gorgeous." He smiled and I giggled.
"I think (d/n) is waiting for me outside."
I sat up on my knees in front of him. He blushed at my body.
"Holy shit (y/n), did I do that..?" He pointed at my hips and stomach.
I looked down and saw bruises across my hip bones. There were hand-like prints laid across my skin, on my neck and collarbones too.
I smiled sympathetically at his concerned face.
"I kinda like it. Keeps you in mind. It let's you know I'm yours and you're mine."
He smiled and sat up, kissing my collarbone softly.
I giggled "Hiccup you've got some too."
He looked at his chest and smiled at the marks my talons made while we lost control last night.
There were even more on his back.
Shit we were probably so loud...
"Wanna go for a ride?" He asked, breaking my thoughts.
I smirked and shifted my position to the end of the bed, "Lets go." I said while pulling on my bra and underwear.
"Oh, babe you can wear one of my shirts if you want. They all tie in the back so you can tighten it."
I smiled at his irresistible cuteness.
"Why would I need one of yours huh?"
I looked back at him slyly and caught a hint of his blushing. He was obviously staring at my naked bruised back.
He moved to me and sat beside me, still covering his...self with the blankets.
"Well.. just so that people know you're mine."
I rested my hand on his leg and kissed him passionately.
"Hiccup. I'll never leave you again. Okay?"
I lifted his face with my hand and gazed into his emerald eyes.
"I promise."

After Hiccup and I dressed, we walked outside.
(D/n) and Toothless came charging towards us, cuddling with us and purring.
I did end up wearing one of Hiccups shirts, with my leggings and a fur vest the dork used to wear when he was 15. It fit me pretty good.. I am much smaller than him.
Hiccup chose to wear loose pants tucked into boots and a long sleeve.
We both mounted our dragons and flew off.

— 1 hour later, you return —

You landed together and walked to the dining hall. Breakfast was served as you guys and the gang sat together at a reserved table.
"So (y/n), why did you run away?" Astrid started the conversation.
(Y/n) was a little pissed off that Astrid didn't care how it made her feel about the whole situation.
"Astrid stop, please." Hiccup demanded before you could think of an answer.
Astrid clearly knew why. Hiccup had told them numerous times before.
"I'm sure Hiccup has told you before, Astrid.."
(Y/n) answered and held Hiccup's hand. He squeezed her hand once tightly.
Snotlout started talking.
"Yeah.. he said that you were being forced to reunite clans... those times can get pretty dark in your case."
"Very.. especially coming from such a strict utopia. Also being only a scared young girl. I only knew a few things about the man I was to marry, and they weren't good."
(Y/n)'s voice lowered, like she didn't want to talk about this right when she returned. But everyone wanted to know from her so badly..
"Did you know his name?" Astrid piped up. "His occupation? His intentions?"
"Yes Astrid!" *sigh*
"H-his name was..."
Everyone waited an answer as (y/n) hesitated.
"(Y/n)? What was his name?" Hiccup faced his girlfriend with worry.
"His name was Drago Bloodfist." She said with shame.
Hiccup's eyes widened and his mouth fell open. So did everyone else's.
It seemed that whatever (y/n) had to say about her journey, it always surprised and concerned everyone.
"(Y/n). You can't be serious.." Hiccup stared holes through her head.
"Yes Hiccup. I'm serious. He was an evil man. I would never let him marry into MY family and rule MY kingdom. There was only one thing I could do.."
Hiccup stood up and lifted (y/n) from her seat. She looked puzzled before he hugged her.
He pulled her into the tightest embrace.
It was a long hug.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut were the next to get up and join in the group hug. Then Fishlegs, then Snotlout... then Astrid.
"Woah what is this all about..?"
Everyone parted, standing in a small huddle as Hiccup explained everything Drago did.
His home, his people, his dragons. His father...
(Y/n) hugged Hiccup once more as tears streamed down both their faces. "Hiccup.. I'm so sorry."
"No (y/n). Thank you. Thank you for listening to your heart. He would have destroyed so much. He could have killed you."
Hiccup parted from his lover and smiled. He was giddy because he knew what this meant.
"(Y/n) do you know what this means?"
"You saved your kingdom! Drago would have stopped at nothing to gain power. You are the most powerful island in independence! He would have used you, taken your dragons, slain your people, stole your royalty, and claimed the crown! You stopped all of that! One simple decision, (y/n). You ended YOUR war."
(Y/n) just stood there as everyone else smiled.
"You're a hero, (y/n)." Fishlegs places his hand on her shoulder, her shirt shifted and Astrid caught a peek of the bruising on her neck...
"Well.. I don't know about that. But wow, you really opened my eyes Hiccup.."
(Y/n) looked at him and smiled slightly. He smiled back. Everyone sat down.
"(Y/n)? You don't seem very happy.." Ruffnut started.
"I-I don't even know what to say. Hiccup you lost your dad because I didn't marry him!"
Hiccup frowned and looked at (y/n).
"(Y/n) it is NOT your fault. Okay? You had no control over my father's fate. It was the alpha, the timing, the place. It just happened. It wasn't even Toothless's fault. There's no way in hell you could control that."
(Y/n) felt much better now. Hiccup always cheered her up no matter what. She sighed and cuddled close to him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"Damn I need a girlfriend guys.." Snotlout said out of the blue.
"I mean.. look at this lovely couple right here!"
Astrid rolled her eyes in secret as Hiccup and (y/n) smiled widely. (Y/n) giggled.
"Good comes to those who wait, Snotlout."
He smiled at her and everyone's day went on.

— Later at Hiccup's house —

"I really appreciate what you said about me this morning babe."
Hiccup looked at his girlfriend with a sideways grin and sparkling eyes.
"I've missed you so much (y/n). I just really really have."
"You can have all of me Hiccup."
He looked up at her with a cutely intimidating face.
Giggling, (y/n) pulled him into a tackling tight embrace and rolled over on the bed.
"I've missed you like crazy. I feel like a bitch to have left such a man. I was so blind, Hiccup.. I never thought—"
"Awee shut up (y/n). You turn me off when you beat yourself up~"
The couple's lips were connected in a slow movement.
The love is restored and the hearts are at peace.
They are one.
The make one.

End of chapter yo.

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now