- Plan my Return -

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You had survived.

You were in your room, sitting on your bed by your large window (d/n) would usually fly into.

It had been 2 months, 3 weeks, and your leg had healed around the edges of the stitches.
Pretty soon you'd have a nasty looking scar.
You knew you'd have to build yourself a prosthetic. It would be useless having only a metal rod hanging out of your leg.
As harsh as it sounds, you were lucky you had survived. You could call yourself a real warrior. A true badass. Returning home with such incredible stories, including that one time when you had cut off your own leg before the venom of the Thanator's claws could take it over. You were proud of yourself and still incredibly scared.
You'd have to adapt to having half a live leg for the rest of your life.
I'll say it again, at least you are alive.

Of course having any ups, comes with many downs...

Your Original home Island has never been the same. None of them have.
Your parents became helpless and your brothers have had low grades and sad faces since. Henry fell into depression.
A lot has changed. Your room remained untouched from the day you left.
Every night your parents prayed for you to return, but it was helpless.
You had to admit, you were pretty happy where you were. You didn't have to deal with your parents, responsibilities, people, anything except for your recent injury and ways to defend yourself...
Other than that you were just free. Free to be yourself. You were calm and at peace.

You looked over at (d/n), mid thought.

"The only thing that really bothers me is the fact that I can't see Hiccup anymore."
(D/n) looked at you with a confused look and turned her head.
"Well, What I mean is I can't just show up at my Island and say I'm alive! Remember me? That girl that was so disobedient and selfish that she ran away from home just to avoid some guy?! That girl who left her lavish life, to save herself from a new responsibility?"
You started to realize just about everything you've done.
"That girl who gave up and left everything... everyone...to be something she described as free..?"
(D/n) looked at you with a sad face.
"I...left everyone."

Your mom, dad, Henry and Harris! They were only 6 when you left them! How would you be able to live if your sibling left when you were 6 years old?! How could you put that pressure on them? How could you leave them!?
You hated your self at the moment.
You left Hiccup.. your friends, family, kingdom.
You thought about it while (d/n) brought you more fruits to store in your storage chest.
You turned to (d/n), the most loyal family you had.
"I... I have to go back!"
(D/n) looked at you with a pineapple in her mouth and dropped her jaw down in shock.
You stared at the pineapple as it rolled to your right, that's when you saw your wrapped up leg in your peripheral vision.
A tear dropped from your eyes as you cried. Not because of the pain, but because of everything you knew you couldn't do.
That made you want to conquer this challenge even more!
"We have to go back! My parents! My brothers! My friends! We must go back."
(D/n) shook her head no, as if she didn't want to fly that much anymore, or she was worried about you. I don't blame her.
But you left your life behind, and you were determined to get it back.
It's just hard to believe it's been 2 and a half years since you left. So much could have happened...
You decided to plan a return.
It feels weird to think about leaving THIS home.
"Come on (d/n)! Let's get one more load of these and then we'll be done."
(D/n) held a large sack of fruits in her mouth. She flew up to her thick branch that she watched over the house with, and you unloaded the food while using handmade 'just in case' crutches to walk around.

---about 4 hours later---

The night time rolled in and took over the sky.
You and (d/n) slept in the same room and raised the ladder to make sure you'd stay safe, just like every night.
You laid on your back and stared at your ceiling. You recognized this night. In fact, it felt exactly like the night you ran away.
When you just laid there on (d/n) and thought. You'd think about nothing and everything.
When you snapped out of your thoughts, you realize you were crying.
There were millions of things you were thinking about, but what was at the top of your head was.. Hiccup.
You didn't forget what he looked like, or sounded like.
Of course you still think about him and miss him. But you just think about how he feels. He has work and duties. One day he'll be a chief.
He has no time to think about you. And you should be free to think about anything other than him.
But you're not...

- 1 week after Draco's defeat and Stoick's death -

The inspiration and hope had settled. There was now only looking back on what everyone had lost. Their friends, family, their dragons..
The people of Berk had brought Stoick back into their minds and Hiccup mostly.
Let's just say that the aura of the village was gloomy and grey.

"Hey Hiccup, how are you doing?"
Astrid hugged Hiccup and he sank in his chair.
She sat down with him as the dining hall filled up.
"Uh, Yeah Astrid I'm okay really. My father was a great chief, and an even better father."
Hiccup has his head resting on his hand.
"I agree. He was an incredible person. That's where you get it from."
Hiccup turned his head to look at her and gave her a weak smile.
The dining hall filled and pretty soon the whole gang sat with Hiccup and Astrid.
They talked and ate, pushing aside the recent devastation of Stoick's death.
When everything started to get better and the intensity settled, Snotlout brought up a touchy conversation.
"So, you guys remember that girl from like two years ago that ran away from her Island because she didn't want to Marry that Cheif?"
Hiccup looked up at him, a jump in his heart and a sparkle in his eyes. "Yeah! What about her?"
"Well I heard that even after two years, her body was never found, BUT people have been saying that she's been showing up all around the islands."
"Like.. a ghost?" Tuffnut asked
Hiccup's stomach sank.
"No, no. Like a week ago, she was seen flying with her dragon about 70 miles off the coast of the Yellowstone Islands."
Hiccup started thinking..he means itchy armpit.
"Wait! I think I actually saw her!" Fishlegs gasped
Hiccup slammed his fists against the table and stood up "D-did you really?!"
Everyone looked at him confused, especially Fishlegs.
"Yes! She has the (type of dragon) with the (color) (scales/feathers) right?"
"Yes! That's her! When was the last time you saw her?!" Hiccup didn't realize just how loud he was being, and he got looks from people around the hall.
"Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked in a concerned tone.
"W-What Fishlegs... are you okay?" Hiccup relaxed.
"I'm fine. Are YOU okay?"
Everyone at the table was looking at Hiccup, they had confused, uneasy looks on their faces.
Why would Hiccup care about some strange girl that disappeared over 2 years ago?
"Hiccup, is there something you're not telling us?"
Astrid places her hand on his shoulder and stands up with him, as if he's an old, confused war veteran.
"Guys, I- I- uh-" Hiccup was stalling
"Did you know her?" Snotlout pipes up.
Hiccup sighed and collapsed into the seat.
He tried regaining his sanity. OBVIOUSLY he knew her! He was her boyfriend! Her best friend! The only person who made her happy!
They didn't know that though... he'd just have to tell them.
"Listen, all of you..."
"We're listening Hiccup."
He looked over to Astrid and everyone leaned in, ready for an explanation.
"Good. Because I'm about to tell you the story of
(y/n) and I."

End of chapter

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now