- A new world -

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---Back at your home island---

The sun awoke and peaked over the horizon, just like any other day.
But the thing is, it wasn't like any other day.

"(Y/n), sweetheart? Look I know that last night, we didn't give you the best explanation-"
Your father opened your door and you weren't there. Your bow and arrow was gone, along with your backpack and (d/n)'s saddle.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!?"
Your father ran down the stairs and alerted the best guards of the Island.
He sent out search parties and made sure everyone knew to keep a lookout for you.
They had tracking dragons, the best.
But by this time, you were long gone.

--- At the new world ---

You flew all night, that's at least 300 miles.
She was an incredibly fast flyer.
Of course, (D/n) stopped for some hunting breaks, but that took little time, being the skilled hunter she is.

You flew above a vast ocean.
Gliding above the waves, you sighed.
"(D/n), can it get any worst?!"
You yelled, holding back your tears and looking ahead.
You came up to a large island that sparked your interest.
But.. this didn't look like a regular island.
In fact the water seemed to be glowing around it.
It was almost as if the island was alive with light.
The plants were luminescent, not like back at home.
It was like a wonderland of fantasy.
You were as amazed as you were curious.
Curious of what was going on back home as well...

---meanwhile at your home island---

"I can't believe she's gone!!"
Your mother cried lifelessly onto your father's chest, holding your note.
Your whole village posted signs with rewards for your return.
Guards and gossip carried around fast.
News spread from village to village, and then island to island.
Pretty soon every northerner knew about your disappearance, and so did Hiccup.
"Agh, bud. What am I gonna do..?"
Hiccup sighed and looked over to Toothless.
He was hunched over the same log that you and him shared your very first kiss.
Hiccup was crying. He was worried for you.
Because... he loved you.
"Why would she do this? Just because she wouldn't have to marry another northerner?"
Toothless gave out a sad "awooooo."
The dragon would never be able to see you or his girlfriend (d/n).
All of the fun things you didn't together, just the four of you..
Swimming in the fire falls, when the lava heats up the water at about 90 degrees.
Ah and climbing trees, having races, you'd always win.
Every time you'd come to meet Hiccup, the look on his face was adorable and how his eyes lit up filled your soul with happiness.
You knew it was dangerous to go to Berk. In fact, it was impossible.

-time skip to the last search party coming back-

"Sir, no one has found anything on her. Where ever she is, she's long gone... I'm so sorry."
Your fathers heart broke just that much more, and your mother , oh your mother couldn't even bare it. She wanted to stay locked in her room for the rest of her life.
Your brothers were less enthusiastic. Not happy at all. They heard you left because you refused to marry, but they thought it was their fault for not being there with you during dinner.
They thought they should have stayed and defended you while you fought with your parents, but they just listened from their room.
The island was dull without your brilliant spirit running through its veins.
You missed it. You missed them.
But you knew that the war couldn't continue IF you weren't there.
It was prophesied that an unfair disadvantage counted as an opponent's forfeit, and that neither island could attack.
Technically you saved them and yourself.
That's one thing you felt good about.

--- Back at the new world ---

You flew down to the island and landed on the soft, silklike grass. The whole island was filled with waterfalls, giant redwood trees, and creatures you'd never seen before.
There were floating islands, and the the planets were so much clearer in the sky compared to back home.
The forests were ginormous and vibrant with life.
Waterfalls could be heard in the distance, along with dragon's roars and creatures's purrs.

(If you're familiar with the movie 'Avatar', this Island looks very similar to Pandora but instead of a whole planet, it's a medium sized island.)

You took a breath of the fresher air you've ever smelt. "Ahhh. This is incredible huh, (d/n)!"
You looked over at her, while she was rolling in the tall grass. You smiled at your companions happiness.
For a second you thought you could be in paradise, until you remembered Hiccup wasn't there with you.
"We can do this on our own. We can do it (d/n), just you and me, as one."

End of chapter

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now