- Im so sorry -

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"I can't let this happen...I can't let this happen...I can't let this happen..."
You were pacing in your room with your hands clinging to the sides of your head.
"I'm not getting married! I can't be married to anyone!! Anyone.. besides Hiccup."
Your mom knocked on your door and you yelled at her " If your here to tell me I don't have a choice, don't walk through that door!"
It was your father.
"(Y/n), it's me."
"I'm mad at you too dad." You speed walked to the door and swung it open, giving him a death stare.
"(Y/n), listen to me. If you don't marry another first born Northerner, you'll be bestowing a Great War upon our kingdoms!"
Those words made you perk up slightly.
"A first born? A future Chief!"
"No, (y/n), you must marry a chief. The only way to avoid havoc is to marry someone that has power!"
"Dad- this isn't f-fair!"
The sadness in your throat only grew as you could hear your mom walking up the stairs.
You slightly calmed down.
"Dad? Will you do me a favor?"
"Oh, of course."
You looked up at him, tears dripping from your eyes.
Your mom walked through the door and leaned in the doorway.
"Will you just- leave me alone? So that I can just prepare to see him?"
Your father looked over to your mother and back to you.
"S-sure (y/n), whatever you need. Thank you so much for understanding."
You skipped the hug hour father tried to give and closed the door as they both left.
You walked over to your bed and lifelessly sat on it, staring into the endless abyss of disappointment and sadness through your grand window.
You start thinking and came to the conclusion that
your parents would NEVER let me marry a Berkian. They think that they are hostile and brutal.
Truth is, I wouldn't know the rest of Hiccups people, but I KNOW that Hiccup is not that way.
He's an amazing person. I love him...but he's not a chief so it's impossible anyway.
"Mom, dad, I'm so sorry." You whispered to yourself as you wrote a note to them and cried for hours.
(D/n) licked some of your tears away and nudged her head against yours. You hugged and kissed her.
"You're by best friend." You said through a shaky and sad voice.
You set the note on your desk, turned off the fireplace, and cleaned your room. Everything was organized and in place.
Brand new.
After packing a bag full of clothes, a medical kit, a saddle and blanket for (d/n), your bow and arrow, and a small notebook, you were ready.
You stepped out into the cold, nightly air and called for (d/n) with the last of your tired voice.
She walked to you and you mounted her, she had the knowledge that you would leave for good. This is why she was hesitant.
She walked gently to the entrance of your window and cling to the rail with her sharp claws.
She spread her wings and stealthily leaped off the side of the balcony.
You dove down with her and (d/n) spread her wings, catching herself at about 20 feet from the ground, riding off into the night, never to be seen again.

End of chapter.

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now