- You saved me -

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It's been 2 years since you and (d/n) ran away from home.
In the time, you made treehouse to keep you away from the creatures that lurked below, you have explored the whole island and you know every creature on it.
You've found freedom.. and you were happy.
Of course, you still visit land around your original home island. The closest lave you've been is about 70 miles from itchy armpit.
The coast is where you stayed. You preferred being somewhere where you could escape.

In the time you've been living on this island, you
Have accomplished a lot.

You've learned how to fend for yourself. You became an excellent crafted and blacksmith.
You were living healthier than ever. Eating only fruits and natural resources.
The water from the waterfalls was pure and elegant.
(D/n) was happy as well. She never had to deal with the baby dragons back at your old home. You didn't ever consider her a caregiver but the people at your old home did. You rarely let other people touch your precious dragon.
Your bond with (d/n) grew stronger. You slept with her every night, you were with her 24/7 and talked to her every single minute of every single day.
Your emotional sanity was cured, and all you had to do was migrate.
You were livin the life.

On a warm morning, you sprung out of bed and climbed the rope down to the small beach right outside the treehouse.
You laid and soaked up the sun for a bit before (d/n) came to join you.
You could hear her footsteps as you sang a tune in your head. "Hey (d/n)! How's the weather today girl?"
She yawned and roared in response to you.
"I agree it's amazing ain't it!"
She flopped down in the sand next to you and you
started singing a song...
"Ohhhhh~ there's no place I'd rather be, than on a dragon out at sea! Soaring above the ocean blue, and if I had one wish come true, I'd fly till the sun sets... beyond the horizon."
You and (d/n) both looked over the horizon and signed full of happiness.

You broke the feel of the sweet moment.
"I wonder what Hiccups doing right now."
(D/n) looked at you with a sad face and snuggled her muzzle under your arm. You let your arm fall upon her head and brushed her scales with your fingers, you knew it always calmed her and you down.

--- At Berk ---

Hiccup and Stoick we're arguing.
There was a deadly situation upon them.
Draco Bloodfist and his dragon army were heading towards Berk and Hiccup only wanted to talk Draco out of it.
"Out of all the irresponsible!" Stoick yelled before being cut off my his son.
"I'm trying to stop a war and save our dragons! How is that irresponsible?!"
Stoick turn to Hiccup and yelled violently
"Because war is what he wants son!"
Hiccup stood there before running to Toothless and flying off with him, through the ginormous doors in the dragon stalls before they could close.

(I'm guessing you've seen the movie, that is what's taking place on Berk while you are facing this->)

"Get! Off! My! Property!" You yelled vigorously while hitting fruit flies off of your crops with a stick.
"That's right, bitches. This is my land."
You wiped your sweaty forehead with your hand and stripped down to your bra and underwear to jump into the saltwater ocean.
You aren't ashamed of your body at all. In fact, you've grown to love it.
Every so called "imperfection" seamed to fade from your eyes since you haven't been around people for nearly 3 years.
You got out and rinsed off in one of the freshwater waterfalls a while away from your beach and deeper into the forest.

(D/n) was swimming in the water along with you, having a blast. You sprayed water at each other and laughed.
Just then, you heard a large hiss-like roar coming from the cliff above you.
You jolted up, as it didn't sound friendly, and a huge Thanator was lurking from above the water falls.
It hissed and your stomach immediately sank a mile.

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now