-So... (y/n)- (lemon warning:))

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"What?" You fluttered your eyes at the word.
I'm.. pregnant..?
"That could be the reason why I've been so tired.. and also I really feel like I've been gaining weight!"
Nurse stood up and looked at Hiccup. She placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned close to his face.
"You've been taking such good care of her, Viking. I am so happy you both chose each other!"
Nurse looked over her shoulder at you and turned back to Hiccup, leaning into him further.
She whispered
"Maybe this might be a good time to think about tying the knot..? Ya know, a little wedding action?"
Hiccup's eyes lit up and he whispered something in her ear.
She giggled and looked very happy. You were sooo confused.
"Uh, you guys gossiping about me?"
They both started laughing and nurse left chuckling.
"What was that about?" You questioned your boyfriend.
"Oh, nothing babe. Nothin at alllll."
"Uh oh-kay."

— Timeskip to later at night—

You and Hiccup flew back to Berk from one of your many expeditions that day.
He took your hand in his and led you to a small campfire in the middle of the village.
There were about 20 people as you walked up.
"Hey guys!" Hiccup cheerfully greeted his friends and neighbors as they danced and sang around the fire.
"The chief is here!" Gobber exclaimed.
Almost everyone cheered and patted him on the back. While you were practically being dragged through the crowd by Hiccups non-intentional force.
Someone harnessed you and Hiccup stopped walking as the crowd settled.
Everyone went back to singing and dancing, this village is awesome..
"Hey lassie, I'm afraid I haven't met Hiccup's girlfriend yet! I'm Gobber, Hiccup's partner in the craftin'."
He laid his non-prosthetic hand on your shoulder and you smiled then introduced yourself.
"I'm (y/n), just a dragon lover." You and Gobber chuckled together. As you walked away from him, Hiccup continued to talk. You decided to sit by the fire, next to Ruffnut.
"What up giiirl?" She looked over at you and you felt more comfortable knowing you didn't have to start the conversation.
"Just chillin like a villain. Ya know, Berk is really nice."
"Ugh, but don't even get me started on the people. You can't stand within 1 inch of someone without smelling sweat and fish guts."
You laughed out loud "Okay, okay, besides that. Everyone just seems real nice and welcoming."
"Well you have a nice vibe. You're like the twin I always wanted...also—ahem—with that being the Chief's lover would make people respect you more."
You looked at her with disbelief, then you both started laughing. "How do you know?!"
"Okay, it's not like, our business.. but Tuff walked passed Hiccups hut that one night and kinda heard you two... ya know....
Ruffnut looked at you smiling very wide, as if she was awaiting some kind of explanation.
"Hahaha- uh.."
Hiccup then quickly quieted everyone down. The instruments stopped playing and the chatter faded. All eyes were on him, then instinctively he motioned for you to stand.
You were nervous but you stood and he grabbed your waist.
He brought his face close to yours, then began to...sing?
"I'll swim and sail on savage seas~" your eyes widened. You knew exactly what was going to happen.
You became overwhelmed with happiness. You continued to the next line as everyone whispered then covered their mouths as not to disturb you.
"With no fear of drowning.."
Hiccup smiled wider then he ever has before.
"And gladly ride the waves of life.. if you will...marry me!"
Both of you shouted that last part and then you jumped in Hiccups arms. The crowd cheered and some even cried. Gobber knew Hiccup was going to ask (y/n) to marry him, that's what he was held up about!"

—after the fire, you and Hiccup walked to his hut—

The door swung open as you clung to Hiccup and basically devoured his mouth. He carried you to the bed and gently threw you down. You seductively smiled as he threw off his shirt, and grinded on top of you.
It was easy for him to slip off your leggings and shirt, as you took off his pants.
Hiccup was about to take control until you stopped him. "Oh- (y/n), sorry- is there something wrong?"
You looked at his adorable pathetic face. "Oh course not Hiccey...you've just been doing so much for me." You ran your fingers down his muscular chest and leaned into his ear. "I just wanna do something for you~"
They way you whispered that into his ear, sent chills down his spine.
You pushed him over onto his back. He got cocky and put his arms up behind his head. "Show me whose boss why don't ya." You joked and your smile quickly faded as you laid eyes on his massive bulge. Laying on your stomach, you tugged his boxers down and his dick bounced up towards your face. You blushed and so did Hiccup. Seeing his huge size compared to your petite mouth and body... you know it drove him wild.

-your POV-

I always get scared when I see Hiccup's size... it just boggles my mind how he fits inside me...
I began to lick the bottom of his shaft, then up all 8 inches and around his girth. Eventually, his entire dick was in my mouth and Everything was getting sloppy.
With time, Hiccup's arms descended and he began panting. He gripped the hair at the back of my head and slowly began to thrust inside my mouth. I moved with him, I could feel my pussy getting wet and his climax getting close. I used my hands with what I couldn't fit in my mouth, and that seemed to drive him crazy! "Oh my god (y/n)- aghh- He grunted and sat up, panting even harder.
"(Y/n)- I'm about to- cum!"
He came inside my mouth and filled my throat. I tried my hardest not to cough or gag as he filled me with his fluids. I was released when he was done and I swallowed his entire load as he watched me lick it off my lips... both of us panting.
"You're amazing (y/n). I love you so much baby~"
I smirked and got a naughty idea..
"Then why don't you show me what a Chieftess deserves~?"
I laid back on my back and spread my legs with a look of hunger on my face.
"Oh baby you know I will~" He got on all fours and became level with my pussy. He tugged my wet panties off and smirked at me from that embarrassing angle. Only, it wasn't embarrassing. I'd love to see him like this all the time!
His lips made contact with my wetness and I absolutely melted!
"Ah! Oh my god- ahh- Hiccup! Yes!" He smiled whenever he knew he could please me.
I couldn't handle it any longer, the way he moved his tongue inside me... it drove me crazy!
"Oh Hiccup! D-don't stop!"
He increased his momentum and rubbed my clit with his thumb.
"Oh shit!!"
I came in his mouth as he opened for more.
I panted as he licked his lips and smiled devishly.
He stood on his knees and leaned into my body just like before.
He whispered in my ear slowly with his hot breath.
"You think it's over? I was just getting started~"
He revealed his dick once again and rested it on my stomach. It was passed my bellybutton and thicker then I remember.
"Oh shit Hiccup.."
"Guide me baby, I want to make you feel good~"
I gave him a sly look. "I like this side of you~"
He smirked once again and positioned himself in front of my wet pussy. I was throbbing, and so was he. I could tell this was gonna be a goooood time.

-no POV-

Hiccup slowly slid into you and an uneasy feeling washed over your body.
You squirmed and squeezed your palms together.
Hiccup noticed this, he grabbed both your hands with his hands and you interlocked fingers.
He slid your hands above your head and this made him push into you a bit more.
"Shiiiit- ah-"
Your grip on his hands tightened.
"Sorry babes." He winced "you're so tighhhht."
"You're so big!" You smiled and so did he.
Your smile quickly faded as he started to slowly slide in all the way.
He eventually stopped, as he was all the way inside.
You moved your hips side to side as you watched his face.
His eyes were fixed on your stomach. You looked down and saw how his dick impacted you. You could see it as if it was right under your skin.
He groaned every time you moved and that was such a heavenly sound.
"Hiccup...*pant* fuck me."
He looked up at you with lustful eyes.
Without saying another word, he pulled his entire dick out, then slid it back in.
"Fuuuck yes..."
He repeated this, and gained speed.
Pretty soon you were both huffing and puffing.
You were gripping onto his back and clawing with your nails.
He increased his speed, fucking you fast and hard. "Hiccup! Hiccup! Ah! Yes!"
"Agh—fuck (y/n)—I cant take it anymore! I'm gonna-"
"Me too Hiccup! Fuck me harder!"
He picked you up by your waist and fucked you like a toy.
None of your body touched the bed, you were turned on even more by his strength. He pounded you once, twice, then dug himself balls deep in your pussy.
"OH YES!!"
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and Hiccup held you tightly.
You cling onto each other and as soon as your breath became normal, you both dropped onto the bed and Hiccup pulled out, along with a string of cum.
"Shitttt. Here comes baby number two." Hiccup laughed and you hugged him.
"You're gonna be the best father."
"And YOURE gonna be the best mother."
"I love you so so much."
"And I won't ever forget it"

End of chapter:)
Go ahead and request what happens next if you want:)

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now