- Youll never understand -

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--- At a full lunch table in Berk's dining hall---

"So... you did know her." Tuffnut stated, trying to give Hiccup a head start on his explanation.
"I DO know her." He looked over at Tuffnut and proceeded to start his tale.
"I... love her. In fact, I love her more than I thought."
Everyone either paused or gasped. Hiccup friends were speechless before an out burst of questions were sent towards Hiccup.

"How long were you seeing her?"
"When the hell was this?"
"Hiccup, why did you never tell us?!"

Hiccup was getting frustrated because they clearly didn't understand how much he was going through.
He had recently lost his girlfriend, father, and became something he never wanted to be; a chief!
He talked while everyone kept babbling on..
"Guys, guys. I'll tell you everything you want to know, but first you have to listen to me."
Everyone respected his reasoning and let him speak.
"It was many years ago, 10 to be precise, and I was flying toothless. This was before Berk had befriended dragons and accepted them for companions. Anyway, there was this large (scale/ feather) in the spot where I trained toothless, and it wasn't his friend.
I had become suspicious and I remember walking up to the lake where he usually sleeps next to. I heard a girls voice yell '(d/n)! Get away from that dragon it could have rabies!' That's when toothless ran to me and guarded me from this new dragon. The new dragon seemed to be guarding the girl too. That's when I knew. I knew she would just be a huge influence in my life. I mean, she had a dragon just like me!"
"So... it was like love at first sight..?" Ruffnut asked
"I guess you could say so. But what happened after was even better."

- the story -

"Hey!" (Y/n) yelled to the new boy she had just encountered. He didn't look like how Vikings were described. He was smaller and...softer? He just didn't fit in and (y/n) could tell.
"Who are you?" Hiccup asked while resting his hand on his growling night fury. (y/n) did the same and calmed down her (dragon type).
Hiccup got a good look at this new girl. He thought she was flawlessly beautiful.
She took a step forward.
"I'm (y/n) (l/n), future ruler of Euphoria Island. And you are?"
"I'm Hiccup Haddock the third, future chief of Berk."
"Berk? So you are a Viking." (Y/n) said while curiosity walking towards him.
Toothless only became more hostile as she walked to Hiccup, but (y/n) didn't even take notice of the dragon. She was too focused on this new boy. He was cute...
Dragons were said to sense good and bad people, much like dogs. This is why (y/n) was never afraid, she loved dragons.
(Y/n) walked up to Hiccup until they were about 4 feet from each other and she curiously talked:
"You have a dragon. A night fury." Hiccup's eyebrows raised. "Y-you know about them?"
"Of course! I'm a straight A-student in mythology and dragon training."
"Dragon training?! You guys train dragons?!"
Hiccup became amazed and Toothless took notice to Hiccups dilated eyes and fast heart rate.
"Yes, my island has made peace with dragons over the few years I brought one into the village."
"Everyone just.. accepted her?" Hiccup asked (y/n) while looking over at (d/n).
"Well... everyone trusts me. I guess that was a major part in making them feel the same way I felt about my dragon. Then, when the time came, they were to bond with their own."
"Wow." Hiccup stood in amazement that someone was able to change peoples minds about fantastic beasts and what they are capable of.
It kinda inspired him and definitely made him feel better about having a pet dragon.
"I thought Berk was the dragon enemy? Unless your an outcast?"
Hiccup agreed. "Pretty much." He figured his attire and awkward body language would give it away.
"Actually, I'm the only one in my village who has a dragon."
"Woah. I suppose no one else knows about your little night fury?" (Y/n) extends a hand out to Toothless and he becomes mellow.
"You're right again. No one knows.."
"Well I won't tell anyone now would I? No I wouldn't!" (Y/n) is on the ground with Toothless snuggling and scratching him while (d/n) walks up to Hiccup and inspects him.
She smells him as he flinches and lifts his arms she way she's pushing them. (Y/n)'s dragon is much taller than Toothless and a lot sleeker. You can tell she's very flexible because of how thin her frame is. She definitely isn't like the dragons back at Berk. She's a lot less cartoonish and more magical. She's beautiful.
(Y/n) gets up and wraps an arm around (d/n)'s neck, pulling her closer while the humans continue to talk.
(D/n) and Toothless smell each other and occasionally snort or make a weird purr sound.
"Hey look, they're getting along pretty good actually."
Hiccup looks at (y/n) and smiles.
"Will I get to see you again?"
(Y/n) looks at Hiccup and smiles wide, "I'll be here tomorrow."

- Hiccup's telling the story now -

(See photo above to check out examples of two types of dragons that inhabit your island)

"We talked about the different dragons on her island and how they are very majestic.
She talked about how they glide, like cutting straight through air, the fastest types of dragons lived on her island. Most of them have feathers, and they are no longer described as flying nightmares, but helpful and loving companions!
That's why I never went to her island. Because Toothless probably wouldn't fit in, and neither would I. We kept seeing each other day after day, but sometimes responsibilities got in the way, especially when we turned into teenagers.
That's why we spend most nights together... and you can imagine hat that lead to, I won't get into detail."

Stotlout bounced his eyebrows and peaked at Astrid. She looks overly jealous and frustrated at the story.

Hiccup continued...
"The last day we spend together, we watched the solar eclipse at sunset. She told me she loved me. We kissed.
Then, when I woke up the next morning, she was what everyone was talking about.
I noticed some northerners were at Berk on their dragons, asking around for a girl named (y/n).
Days passed by and I'd wait for her everyday at our island, but she never ever returned.
Now I worry about her everyday. How she feels and if she still thinks about me. I just can't wait for the day we if might see each other again."

There was a pause while everyone processed the heavy information.

"Hiccup, What will you do if she never comes back?" "Gods... I don't know Astrid maybe I'll just go looking for her."
She gasped "But no tracking dragon has found her for years! There's a major possibility that you would get lost!"
Hiccup became careless to what his friends thought
"Ya know guys I'm really starting to just think fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?"
"Yeah! What's the worst that could happen?" Ruffnut says. "We should go find her!"
Astrid obviously doesn't want to. What she says next shows it.
"Wait! Nononono it's hopeless! For all we know she could be dead!"
Hiccup froze.
He looked at her. It was a possibility, and a high one too.
He didn't want to believe it, he couldn't. But he would just have to find out for himself if he ever wanted to know the truth.
"You know what Astrid? Fuck you, she's alive."
Astrid was set back "And how do you know?!"
Hiccup dramatically lifted his head. "Because I'm not dead yet either."
Fishlegs found yet another topic to bring right up.
"Hiccup Maybe ya have to move on? I really don't want to have to tell you that but maybe it's for your own good."
"Yeah I meannnn I kinda agree with Astrid...she's probably gone Hiccup..." Tuffnut added.

"She can't come back."
"It's impossible to find her Chief."
"It's just not possible."
"It would take a miracle to-"

Hiccup was getting upset yet again. He knew they wanted to help, but they just DIDNT UNDERSTAND!!
"Will you all just- STOP!"
The table got silent as the echo throughout the hall settled.
"Hiccup." Astrid stood up with him
They looked at each other, Hiccup obviously distressed.
"We get it- it's okay." Astrid said calmly as she put her hand on his arm.
He looked at her with discuss and dissatisfaction.
"No Astrid it's not. You don't fucking understand! None of you do! She was my everything! The only two people I could look to for guidance and love are both DEAD and you're all telling me to MOVE ON! Your telling me it's okay!
(Y/n) wouldn't... she'd tell me to stay strong cause she's always here for me. My father would give me a speech about how incredible life can really be, to look at the positive things! But all you can tell me is something that's impossible for me to do! Move on?! Honestly!!"
He stormed out of the cafeteria and everyone stood in shock and disappointment.
Fishlegs looked around at his friends, tears in his eyes.
"Guys come on... he deserves our help!"

End of chapter!

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now