-This Morning Took a Turn-

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A morning but it's still dark outside.

Waking up with your boyfriend once again, an uneasy feeling came upon you.
The feeling of acid rising from your stomach, into your throat had taken you by surprise and you quickly ran to the bathroom inside of your suite.
You threw up into the bowl as you clung and held your weak body up from the toilet.
"(Y/n)..? Babe?! Are you okay?"
Hearing Hiccup from the other side of the room was a little embarrassing.
"Ugh... yeah I'm f-fine." You Hiccuped and flopped into a seating position on the bathroom floor.
Reaching behind you, you flushed the toilet and slowly got up with the help of Hiccup.
"Awee (y/n), my babyyy." He hugged you and wiped your mouth with some toilet paper.
"I don't know what happened.. ughh...I just woke up and felt- uh oh."
You turned around quickly aiming for cleanliness and puked once again.
Hiccup pulled your hair behind you and rubbed your back in a circular motion.
You started getting emotional and cried to your lover.
"W-wh-What would I d-do without you Hic-Hiccup?"
You started bawling now. Hugging your boyfriend and feeling dizzy as he nervously laughed at you.
"I don't know babe, but you still look adorable even when you're pa-the-the-hetic." You scrunched your nose when he imitated your sobs.
"Can you get my nurse pleeeease? Ughhhhh..."
"Yes, lemme just lay ya down right here..."
He carefully laid your head on the tiny rug by the sink and ran off in his pajamas to fetch your nurse.
You just laid there worrying for yourself.

Eventually your nurse came storming in with Hiccup as well.
"She just woke up and felt like this I guess.." Hiccup scratched the back of his neck and tried his best to explain your feelings but he was still extremely tired.
After all it was like 4:00am.
"Is there anything I can take?" You asked at your nurse examined your face. "Your foreheads not hot darling, and you're not running a fever or have a cold."
You looked up at Hiccup who looked down at you.
"This could mean a number of things. Hmm, when was your last period?"
"M-months ago." You answered slowly covering your mouth with your hand.
Hiccup leaned in the doorway and listened closely.
"Anything different or feeling uncomfortable with your body, perhaps?"
Hiccup piped in to intensify the discussion.
"Actually, babe, your breasts have been pretty swollen."
Nurse awaited an answer from you too.
"Also they hurt even worst when I lay on them.."
Nurse started to get personal..
"Have you guys, ya know, 'done the deed'?"
"Uh—haha, umm, we have about 3 months ago... and a few times after that.."
Hiccup slowly raised his eyebrows at you and so did Nurse.
"Did you use protection?"
"Hiccup, oh my god! We didn't!"
You threw your arms up and held the sides of your head.
"Now I'm not saying that this means you are, but, these are all symptoms of... pregnancy."

End of chapter!
Shits intensified huh?
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(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now