- The New Monarchy -

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Play the song when instructed:)

Crisp morning air flowed through your hair, and shook the trees that were so beautifully decorated with orange and yellow leaves.
Vines swirled around Royal arches that stood 15 feet high. White and red flowers wrapped around within the vines, and rose pedals were sprinkled across the ground.
The villages of Berk and Euphoria were gathered around a large opening in the mountains.
Our clans together, stood upon an ungrazed cliffside. It was hundreds of feet above ground.
The rocks on the edge of the cliff sparkled like a Deadly Nadder's fiery breath, and a special song was sang by a large choir.

(Play the song above)

Walking down this pathway of delicate rose pedals, I felt like I could breath for the first time in my life.
Here, our two very different clans stood happily together, scattered about each other in the endless gathering, they all watched me as I walked straight to Hiccup.
My gown dragged the pedals softly behind me, and as I looked up at Hiccups face, I became even more emotional.
My mother and Astrid cried as they watched from beside me.
Standing on the cliffside, I could feel my heart grow.
I could tell Hiccup was trying to hold back his tears as he lifted the vail from my face.
He became slightly tearful, and mouthed the words "You're so beautiful..."
I looked down in the hopes I wouldn't burst out crying.
We took each other's hands, as the old wise woman, Gothi, draped a cloth around them.
We both kneeled and Gothi then placed our crowns on our heads.
She bowed as we stood, and looked upon the crowd. All of our friends and family were bowing to us.
To this new era.
To this new, and greater kingdom.
Hiccup and I returned to each other, and magnetically came together for a long and passionate kiss.
"To the Chief and Chieftess!" Gobber so happily shouted out next to Hiccup, as everyone engulfed in a celebration!
Children danced around and threw pedals up into the air! Fishlegs looked like a baby sobbing as he squished Ruffnut in his arms.
Our dragons spit out fireworks that crackled into the air and Toothless waddled around with flower necklaces all over his body.
The teenagers from my side of the family were so effortlessly intertwining flowers into string, and throwing their creations into the crowd of dragons waiting to catch them.
I looked up into Hiccups eyes and smiled.
"Hiccup. I love you with all of my heart."
He smiled back at me so adorably.
"I love you so, so, much (y/n)." He said to me gently. I sniffled and ran my fingers through his hair as he bent down and rubbed my large pregnant belly. "I love you too little one."

"Hiccup! My man! I'm so damn proud of you!" Tuffnut grabbed Hiccup and forced him into a large group hug. Astrid, Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, Fishlegs, Hiccup, and I all hugged tightly.
"Finally! You're marriage material!!"
We cried tears of happiness together, but sadness knowing we aren't kids anymore.
We parted.
"Congrats you guys!" Eret appeared from behind us. "Never really thought I'd be at your wedding when I first met you, huh Hiccup?"
"Oh come here man!" They shared a massive hug.
"So what are you going to name the baby?" Eret piped up.
"Nuf-" Hiccup began.
"Actually! Hiccup and I agreed that if it's a girl, we'll name her (name) and if it's a boy, Hiccup gets to have say in his name."
Astrid laughed. "Well I hope she's a girl, Hiccup you're not exactly the best at names."
We laughed and Hiccup just threw his arms up and pretended to look offended.
"It's true babe, Itchy Armpit...Toothless..."
"They are all self explanatory! That way I'll never forget."
You laughed once again. "I'm sure you'll never forget our child's name. You were always the best at one thing... and that's being there for the the ones you love." You placed a hand on his chest.
"Ahh! I just love you guys so much." Hiccup gestured to our friends.
Everyone nodded their heads and wiped tears from their faces, smiling wide.

"And we'll never forget you."


This is a picture of Hiccup and I that I drew

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This is a picture of Hiccup and I that I drew.
I added it to show the crowns of your Monarchy and Berk becoming a nation in a new era.
I also added it to show the happiness that is radiating off of you two together.

My ART page on insta for more: @ ghaspersgriffin


Thank you again so much for reading.

This is the end of the book

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now