- I want to show you somthimg- (lemon)

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"So that's what I've been doing the majority of my disappearance.."
You were held in Hiccup's arms while you finished your story about every crazy adventure you've been on in the new world. From arriving at this wonderful paradise, to losing your leg and having to do your own surgery. Hiccup and his friends all looked at you with a better perspective, like now they understood you so much better.
You felt sane that you got to talk so much to people.
You felt more comfortable and connected with Hiccup and his friends.
"(Y/n).. I'm speechless right now."
You looked up at your boyfriend and kissed him gently on the cheek. His stubble tickled your face as you smiled slightly.
"I know Hiccup, and I'm so soooo sorry for leaving you. I promise that I'll never do it again.."
Hiccup pulled you closer as everyone stood up and walked to their dragons with you and Hiccup following.
You took a look at their dragons, it seemed that they all matched the person in some way. It really did look like (d/n) would match you too.

— At Berk —

-your POV-

Flying over the mountains of Berk, memories came flooding into my mind.
"Oh my gods.." everything was so familiar, except some new buildings and houses. Also, there were dragons! Tons of dragons everywhere! It looked like there were dragon food stations and a dragon hanger!
I followed the gang as they dove into the village.
Hiccup stayed beside me as Toothless and (d/n) would make occasional faces at each other.
Everyone landed as toddlers ran to and jumped on Toothless.
I landed right after and the kids just looked at me. I could tell what was going to happen next, and just like clockwork the kids ran to my dragon.
I could hear little "ooohs" and "ahhhhs"
Ya that's right, that's my dragon ain't she gorgeous!
(D/n) followed me with children on her back as I walked with Hiccup and Toothless.
"So.. you really changed the way people see dragons around here huh?"
"Well I would say I changed they way they see, I just made them comfortable with a dragon's presence. Pretty soon, everyone had a dragon of their own."
I looked around in awe.
"Wow. I... can't believe this is what I missed. Where's your dad? The chief might want to know whose in his village."
Hiccup turned around and walked to me, grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. He pulled away. "Babe, I'm the chief."
I was shocked.. wow uh okay.
"I'm sorry Hiccup.."
I pulled him into a large hug. "It's okay, I'm okay. I'm just glad you're alive.."
I got emotional.. but Hiccup started talking before I could. "(Y/n), there's something you should know."
I looked up at him. "Yeah? What is it babe?"
Hiccup sighed. "I just missed you so fucking much.." he pulled me into the tightest embrace, his face in the crook of my collarbone and his arms holding on for life. People started staring..
They were probably thinking things like
'who is she?'
'Why is the Chief all over her?'
'Is he okay?'
We parted and he led me back to his home with my hand in his.
"There's something I want to show you."
We walked past people as they returned to their business.
He opened the door and I walked in. The smell of wood and sweet fire crackling at the end of his bed welcomed me as I ran and jumped on it.
I laid on my back as I sunk into the comfy blankets.
Hiccup chuckled at me and walked to me, taking his right shoe off and sitting beside me.
"You're so brave (y/n).."
I looked over at him and smiled.
"Why do you say that?"
I propped my head up with my arm and rested on my side, facing him.
I could tell he was blushing, even through the fireplace-lit room. I can't get over his silhouette. The highlights in his eyes and the softness of his hair.
"The way you told the story of how you lost your leg.."
I became intrigued.
"Oh.. yeah haha.. I wasn't exaggerating at all Hic."
"That thing you call a Thanator.. it sounds pretty gruesome."
I rolled over and sat up, facing Hiccup. I could feel the fireplace at the end of his bed. The heat resonating off and through him. The air was getting thicker and my heart started racing.
"Yeah ya know it was bad. It was very very bad. But being away from you.. was even worse."
He looked up at me with those gorgeous eyes. Our faces were just inches apart.
"Kiss me Hiccup." Was all I could say. I was just craving his lips.. his touch.
He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.
I grabbed his shoulders and made my way up to the back of his neck. I ran my fingers through his hair, just like I had the first time this happened.
Only now were we matured and it would be different this time.
I could feel him grab my waist and he picked me up. I sat upon his lap, my legs on either side of his body.
I could feel him hardening between my legs...
He started to tug at my shirt, signaling if it was okay to move forward.
I parted from his lips just slightly to breath and tell him "it's okay.."
I supposed I'd do the same thing. I started to unbutton his single long sleeve and I pulled it off, at the same time he pulled off mine.
His muscles shown in the firelight.. the muscles he had developed so nicely over the years.
Two exposed bodies, lead to a lot of steam..
I parted from his lips to undo his pants.
We both breathed heavily as I pulled them off and then my own leggings off along with it.
He stopped and looked at me
"Yeah..?" I became nervous.
He looked at my body, then made his way to my face. Smiling, he said "You're just the most beautiful person I've ever seen."
"Oh my god-"
I pinned him down and kissed him hard. I felt him smirk into the kiss. "You're so fucking perfect Hiccup. I love you so much." I pressed my lips and body to his, as he smiled even wider.
He eventually made his way on top of me and became dominant. This side of his surprised me. I liked how he knew I wouldn't judge him, I let him do what he wanted.
After all, I've always wanted to be taken advantage of by my Hiccup.
He moved from my lips, to my neck and bit my collarbone. I grunted and he.. seemed to like that.
He laid tiny kisses along my chest.
I unhooked my bra for him and tossed it among the pile of clothes. He blushed so hard, I could tell. He licked my breasts and smiled while he did it.
He obviously liked the sounds I made out of pleasure.
He moved down to my torso and pretty soon to my wet panties.
He rubbed me with his thumb through my garments and I bit my lip.
"Oh Hiccup~"
He slowly tugged my panties off and slid them down my legs. My prosthetic wasn't on, so I assume it was easy to slide them right off.
I pulled my legs together, but he ran his hands up to my inner thighs and pulled them apart. I was completely exposed to him.
He had hunger in his eyes, but harnessed it for now.

I bit my index finger as his lips made contact with my pussy.
"H-holy shit Hiccup!" I gasped
I held his hair with my right hand and moaned loud with pleasure.
He swirled his tongue around my clit and I absolutely melted.
It was driving me crazy! He thrusted two fingers in and out of me while he sucked my clit, it was the most mesmerizing moment of my life.
This continued for about 4 minutes.
Then he stopped. I pouted "Fuck.."
He took his fingers out of me and licked them. Fuck he's so hot.
His toned body towered over mine as he rested on his knees above me.
I looked at his body with dreamy eyes and I could see his erect member through his boxers.
My eyes widened and I gasped quietly while looking at it.
He pulled down his boxers and revealed his erect 8inch member.
He really took my breath away in any way possible.. I was scared, he's so girthy holy fuck..
He crouched over me and kissed my lips passionately.
"Can I, (y/n)?" It was adorable how he asked for consent.. ugh I love him so much.
I nodded slowly with worry in my eyes.
He positioned himself in front of my entrance.
"I-it might hurt." He looked into my eyes as I looked into his.
"It's okay Hiccup, I'm ready."
He slowly pushed himself into me and I gasped, arching my back and grabbing his shoulders for any attempt at getting used to it.
"Ah- you're so tight.." he grunted and slid a little deeper.
I gasped "Wait- Hiccup." I panted and Hiccup looked up at me concerned.
He just really didn't want to hurt me. "A-are you okay (y/n)? Am I hurting you?"
He stopped and waited for my response.
"Just.. hold on." I closed my eyes and took a few breaths as he stayed patient.
"Okay...go slow." I ordered, and be obeyed.
He thrusted slowly in and out of me.
With every time he entered me, I would give off a sort of jolt, and move back slightly.
Pretty soon he was able to increase his speed.
"~ahh! Hiccup! Oh my gods!~"
He was only thrusting half of his size into me, but it felt like so much more.
"Ahh- fuck (y/n)..."
He started grunting in my ear. His face in my collarbone once again. I held onto his head with one hand, and the other gripping the sheets.
He moved faster, and drove deeper into me. With every thrust came a new sensation.
He breathed and moaned heavily into my ear. It was like fucking heaven.. the way he was treating me.
The way he made me feel..
Hiccup unexpectedly pushed his entire size into me and I let out a loud scream. Probably loud enough to be heard from outside..
I took a sharp breath "Oh fuck Hiccup- that-"
"Oh shit babe.. are you okay?"
He stopped, but of course I didn't want him to.. what's fun without a little pain?
"Don't stop Hiccup..fuck me!"
I moved my hips with him still inside me.
Hiccup looked relieved.
He started again, thrusting as deep as possible, slowly.
I moaned with every time he grazed the back of my walls.
I moaned louder and louder, as he moved faster and with more confidence.
"Oh my god Hiccup~ oh my god!"
I could tell he was a little worn out from doing all of the work..I guess I'd better help him out..
I lifted myself up and flipped him over to his back. He looked surprised and greedy for my unexpected strength and dominance
I began to ride him. Moving my hips up and down, all of him was in me at once. I moved faster. He let out small grunts and breathed fast. It was amazing..!
He gripped my hips aggressively and spanked my ass.
As I sat on top of him, he swiftly gripped my hips hard and thrusted into me at an accelerating speed. I moaned so loud and tried to catch my breath.
My most sensitive spots being targeted all at once. I could tell he was getting closer to his climax, and so was I.
He grabbed my waist and lifted me up, turning me around so I was laying on my back.
He fucked me harder than before as I wrapped my legs around him, pushing him deeper inside me.
"Hiccup! I'm gonna cum!" I made out the words with short breaths.
I grabbed the sheets and bared my climax.
I gasped loudly, and screamed in pleasure.
I came first and Hiccup kept pounding my walls, building up to his extent.
"Hiccup! Please! Hiccup! It hurts! Ahh!"
I already came, so he was kind of just hurting me right now.
I didn't really care, this was the kind of pain I'd get off to.
He grunted through sharp breaths. "Wait- hold on please.. just a little more..."
He kept going, holding onto my waist tight enough to leave bruises.
I screamed his name as he pulled my body towards his, shoving his member deep and came into me. He was so deep inside me.. like he couldn't become any closer.

We both stayed there. I laid under him, breathing heavily in sync with him as I could feel his member throbbing inside of me.
"Holy shit Hiccup... you're shaking.."
Hovering over me, he panted "Don't worry.. I'll be alright."
He smiled and just fell next to me. I cuddled on his chest and he covered both our bodies up with blankets.
"I love you so much, (y/n)."
I could feel the cold metal of his prosthetic against my warm flesh.

"I love you too Hiccup."

Holy shit I loved this chapter! Be sure to tell me what you think dude!
2075 words

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now