- A Gift from the Past -

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(Play this song when the story says to)

- Treehouse -

Days had passed after you had made your prosthetic and things have been going pretty well. You were a whole lot more mobile, to the point where (D/n) didn't need to help you get around.
Of course, she still walked with you, protecting you from any other dangers.
Her scratches and bite marks healed on their own. Bring the type of dragon that she was, her white blood cells can speed production so fast that her wounds healed within just a few days.
Damn, I wish it was that easy for me.
At the moment you're on your bed, kicking your legs back and fourth as if you're waiting in a doctors office.
You started thinking about how it would be to go back home.
I don't know why the hell this thought keeps popping up in my head. Ugh, why can't I just live somewhere and be satisfied?
You looked at your leg.
This cannot happen again. What if it happens to
(d/n)? What would I do? I would be so fucking heartbroken, I wouldn't be able to help her.
"We need to save ourselves (d/n)."
You looked over at her as she lifted her head from her laying position.
"We need to leave. Even if it's not going home. This island is toxic. This island is dangerous and I can't sleep at night without thinking of that fucking monster. I think of it hurting you when I don't want to. The way it's teeth showed through bloody lips, and the way it hissed. I never want to see anything like that again."
(D/n) got up and galloped to you, resting her head on the bedside next to you.
Getting up, you finally made your decision. You were going to leave, but not to go home. You were going to another island. A more familiar island. Yellowstone Island. The place of most of you and Hiccup's romances.
You knew that island inside and out. That's where you'd go.
Little did you know, this was an extremely important day...

- meanwhile at Berk-

Hiccup was walking to his home from the dragon hanger, Toothless following close behind him.
Reflecting on the date today, Hiccup realized.
"It's (y/n) and mine's 5 year anniversary, bud."
Hiccup stopped and turned around, facing his companion.
He figured he had some free time and the dragon race was about to start, which he didn't want to compete in, so he decided to go for a fly.
"Toothless let's go for a ride."
Toothless perked up and bucked Hiccup up onto his saddle, then took off into the sky.
Hiccup looked down and noticed they were about to fly right above the other racers that were covering themselves in face paint in preparation for the race.
He didn't want them to notice him so he sped up. Toothless, being a black night fury, couldn't glide through the white sky without others noticing.
Fishlegs was the first one to point out Hiccup above them.
"Hey guys look! Where's Hiccup going?"
Astrid shifted her attention to the sky and saw Hiccup passing them.
"We should follow him. He hasn't been himself lately."
"Astrid." Tuffnut started, "Hiccup hasn't been himself since like, his girlfriend or whatever died."
Ruffnut looked at her brother "Maybe she's right? I mean... he's hurting bad. You can tell he's been thinking about her lately."
"I agree." Snotlout bluntly stated.
"Well then what are we waiting for?!" Astrid hopped on Stormfly and took off, knowing the rest of her friends were following close behind.
"Wait guys! What about.. the race?" Fishlegs sighed, "Never mind." He mounted Meatlug and caught up to the gang.

Hiccup looked behind him at his friends.
"What are you guys doing?! The race has started!"
Astrid started "We know, we came lookin for you."
"You can't follow me."
"Why not? You planning on running away too?"
Hiccup's eyes widened and he came to a halt on Toothless.
"No. Astrid I'm not."
Fishlegs butted in "Then take us with you Hiccup, please."
"I was only going to map more-"
"Bullshit." Snotlout interrupted. "Hiccup, we know that you're thinkin about (y/n). We only want to help."
Hiccup thought for a second.
His friends were the closest people to him. He loved them. Maybe they were ready to find out the truth.
Hiccup sighed. "Okay you guys can come. But you need to promise me that you'll just be respectful. Please."
They all nodded, afraid to talk after how serious their chief sounded.

(hiccup x reader) After all this time, I still love you...Where stories live. Discover now