{1} The Fault In Our Stars 💫

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Y/fs = your favorite show

y/n = your name

y/m/n = your middle name

y/l/n = your last name

y/n POV

One thing that's worst than having cancer is having to talk about having cancer.

Me. I would love nothing more than to watch rerun marathons of y/fs all day long, but my mother believes that I should talk about my cancer and let all my feelings out.

I believe that sitting in a circle talking about my diagnosis is none of anyone else's business and is absolutely the most depressing thing ever.

People crying in your face and you telling them it's gonna get better but is it, is it really.

We all are going to die one day, you just have to move on and accepted it. This was gods plan and to be honest it kinda sucks but that's just how it is.

I'm honestly not scared to die. I have nothing to live for and nothing to keep me going. I know what your thinking.

'You have two loving parents that want to see you heal and get cured' but that's all they care about healing me and fixing me.

There are things I wanna do, that I wish I can do but I can't go 0.3 seconds without needing my oxygen tank, and the tubes in my nose.

"I believe going to this cancer support group would be great for you." My mother said. She pulls into the driveway of the the support group.

I already see members walking in. "Yeah, cause a dying 18 year old girl loves hearing about other people's dying situations." I speak sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

She scoffs and stops the car. "y/n seriously you need to be around people like you."

"People that are dying."

"No, people that are going through what you are going through."

"So dying."

I raised my eyebrows at her, by the look on my mothers face I can tell she's getting annoyed. I begged her not to bring me here, and since she did I'm gonna make the last of this ride a living hell.

"I'm tired of this negativity, your not going to die, your gonna get better. I prayed on it last night."

"Alright, well when you and Jesus are ready to come back to reality I'll be clawing my ears off." I said I opened the car door and hopped out, pulling my oxygen out with me.

I slammed the door and walk towards the small building. I walked inside the building and I didn't want to take the elevator, so I took the stairs.

When I got there there was people walking around, talking to others or at the snack table. I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I took my seat at the circle and checked my Instagram.

I then had this weird feeling that someone was looking at me. I looked around until my eyes locked with a boy, a handsome one too.

He was light skin, thick eyebrows, warm chocolate eyes, full lips, and dreads with the ends dyed blonde popping out from his cap.

He then smiled at me. I didn't know how to reacted so I looked away, blushing like crazy. A few moments later everyone took a seat in the circle, looking depressed.

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