{9} Can't Hear 👂

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y/ht/n = your hometown name

y/n POV

Do you know what's it like to be the new kid and deaf. Normally when I go to a different school people usually scream in my face, I find that kind of rude.

I know how to read lips but not that good so I just sign. I became deaf at the age of 4, after a car crash I was in.

Every school I'm assigned a translator. I'm always the only deaf kid in any of my schools, it's sucks because people stare at you all the time like your a freak.

My mom just moved us to California, and I think it's so beautiful here. I actually have a good feeling about it.

My mom parks in front of the school entrance. It's like the first day of kindergarten all over again. "I love you baby, have a good first day." She signed, giving me a kiss on my cheek. I love my mom because she works so hard. We don't have insurance, I don't know why, but she's working so she can buy me hearing aids.

"I love you too." I sign back and got out of the car. I see all these kids walking, talking to their friends, skateboarding around, and it's all silent from my point of view.

I walked inside and there are people already staring at me. I ignored the looks and walked to the office.

I made it and got my schedule and my translator. She walked around with me to my first class. We walked in and we were the only 2 here so I'm guessing we were early.

After a few minutes a bunch of students walk into the class. "The teacher name his Ms.John and she's nice if you stay on her good side." My translator Breenah signed. Breenah was nice and young she's only 24. I nod, I realized that half the class was staring at us.

My eyes travel to a boy and he was looking back at me. He was very good looking, he was lightskin, he had bleached dreads, had a good sense of style. He sent me a smile and a small wave.

His smile gave me goosebumps, I was blushing. I waved back and focus back on Breenah as she was signing what the teacher was saying.


Zion's POV

She was beautiful. Her hair, her skin, her smile, her everything. I can't help to stare at her. I saw a women next to her start making hand motions and it click to me that she was deaf.

I notice that half the class was looking at her. She looks at me, I give her a smile and a small wave, and she returned it.

She went back to her focusing on her translator and I went back to doing my work. After a few minutes the bell rung and I walked out of the class.

I went to find the boys because we all have free period right now. I found them hanging by Brandon's locker. I walked over to them and start to reel into their conversation.

"I heard the new girl is mute and doesn't talk." Edwin said. I rolled my eyes and shoved him but not to harshly. "Shut up she's not mute."

He scoffed, and lightly shoved me back. "Then what is she?" He asked, crossing his arms, like he was mad.

"She's deaf jackass." I said. We started walking to the cafeteria and took a seat at our normal table. "Well I heard, she's fucking hot." Nick said. I shook my head at how much of a fuckboy they all are. "You guys are seriously pigs."

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