{2} Dead Girlfriend Prank !! 💉

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y/a = your address

y/n POV

"Hey guys it's y/n and I'm back with another fucking video." I screamed into the camera. "So I'm bored and I'm really in need to be entertained so I decided, why not do a dead girlfriend prank on Zion."

"Zion is gonna be at the studio until 8 pm and that means a bitch got time to set up."

"I have about two hours to make this house look like a break in and get the fake blood... yayy fun." I said sarcastically, but I really just want to see his reaction.

"Alright lets go shopping." I grabbed my car keys, and headed to my car.

"Guys I'm so scared I wonder what his reaction is gonna be when he sees me bleeding in a bathtub."

I get to the store and take the camera with me. I was looking through the aisle and couldn't find the small bottles of fake blood.

"Hello do you need help finding something." A worker asked

"Um... yeah where are the small bottles of fake blood."

"Oh we don't have those but we do have the big ones."

"Oh ok thank you." Than the worker walks away. "Bitch tryna make me look like Carrie."

"Alright so I have no other choice but to get the big ones but where the fuck am I gonna find it

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"Alright so I have no other choice but to get the big ones but where the fuck am I gonna find it." I asked myself.

I walk to the cashier and payed for the fake blood and carried it to the back of my car. I was driving back but then I came across a Starbucks. I couldn't help myself

"Can I have a Grande java chip frappe" I said into the speaker-thing.

After getting my drink I continued with my journey back to my house.

Once I got there I got dressed into a plain white t-shirt and leggings because I'm not destroying my good clothes.

I went to the bathroom with the large bottle of fake blood and filled the tub up with water. As the water was filling I started pouring the fake blood waiting for it to turn the color red I wanted it to get so it'd look realistic.

I then started pouring the blood all over myself. "Now I know how Kim Kardashian feels on her period." I started blending the blood on my skin

After that I started rubbing blood on the floor and walls and the sink and the cabinets and it just looks like a blood fest in the bathroom.

"Oh, my gosh Zion is gonna flip when he sees this." I finished by writing a bloody message on the mirror that says 'karma's a bitch Zion' he's gonna lose his mind

"Alright bitches now it's time to destroy my house."

I walked into my living room and flipped my chairs around throwing magazines in different directions, knocked down the lamps.

• Zion Kuwonu Imagines •Where stories live. Discover now