{23} Zombie Apocalypse 😵

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《These chapters will have Znation character

y/n POV

It's been 3 years since the apocalypse started. It's wiped out half of the earth's population, now Zombies roam around the earth finding any left over human to chew on.

The one's that are alive, live to see another day. But they have to fight for their survival. I'm am one of those people, I've been on my own for two years since the apocalypse killed my family.

I've meet other survivors but they see my as a threat. I only have 5 weapons on me. My Sniper, my Katana, My bow and arrow, and two pistols that stay in my gun holder that's bond to my knees. I also have a bag that I carry my stuff in but it's really not a weapon.

Some of the Z's are slow, others can run as fast as day, those are the ones you have to keep your eye out on. Since I'm alone, I travel from city to city, country to country and the world is absolutely gone to shit.

If you die in the zombie apocalypse you become a zombie and if you get bit by a Zombie... Well you turn into a Zombie. Either way you turn into a Zombie. It's unfair but I don't make the rules.

Some days I miss my family, I can't lie, the zombie apocalypse can get lonely. I just wish I had someone to keep me company, but the world being what it is, there's barely people on earth anymore.

I was walking down an empty road. Cars are either flipped or smoking, the sidewalk is covered in blood and wrappers, and stores are trashed and ransacked, that there's no point in searching them.

I have enough food and water to last me a week so, I don't eat a lot to save it. As I was walking I heard nearby gunshots. I know it's stupid but I ran towards the sounds.

"Shit, I'm out of ammo." I heard a voice say. I looked over in that direction and see a horde of zombies circling a group of survivors.

I was deciding if I should help them or not, but the good side of me came and I pulled out both of my pistols and started shooting at the zombies. After a few of them dropped the group starts to kill them along with me.

When all the Zombies were dead I put my pistols back into my gun holders. I walked over to the group as they gain their stamina. "Thank you, if it wasn't for you we would be zombie food." A women in her early 40's say.

"It's no problem, we are what's left of humanity we gotta help each other out." I notice that there were 7 of them and they were all armed with weapons.

"I'm Roberta Warren." She putting bee hand out for me too shake, I gladly shook her hand. I drew my hand back and move a piece of my h/c hair behind my ear.


"Hey... Zion you alright you looked starstrucked." A man with white long hair said, looking at an boy who I'm guessing is Zion, about my age, very good looking, and strongly built.

Zion had short blonde bleached dreads which made him look so fine. I notice that he was staring at me. I give him a small smile, but he didn't move one bit nor blink.

A girl with red short hair, and a spiked bat shoves Zion slightly knocking him out of his trance. "Pretty." He blurted out loud. Everyone gives him a weird look. I let out a small laugh because it was cute.

"I-i mean l-look at that pretty... b-building." He answered, his tanned cheeks now turning a light red, he then turned around facing the other way. I raise my eyebrows at his weirdness.

I looked at the rest of the crew and notice a guy that looked ill and his skin tone was bluish-Gray. "Are you ok? You're looking kind of blue." I asked.

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