{13} Can't Hear PT.2 ❤️

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y/n POV

It's been a few months since I've moved to California, since I've meet Zion, and actually been happy anywhere.

I've grown a crush on Zion and he doesn't know about it. His sign language has improved during the months and he can communicate better with me.

Zion has actually inspired the rest of his friends to start learning how to sign and it's been cool not being the outcast for once.

Me and Zion would always hang out. We would sometimes watch movies with subtitles but I could read lips, so watching movies weren't that bad.

We would also go to the mall and eat. Zion eats a lot. When we are in public people would stare at us when we sign, but we simply ignore them.

I loved spending time with Zion. I feel like a different person when I'm around him, he makes me feel happier than I've felt in years.

If I had one wish, I'd wish to hear Zion and my mom's voice. If it was only for one day, I could kill to hear them say my name and speak to me.

My moms been working super hard to get me those hearing aids, she's been saving up and she tells me she's really close to getting me the hearing aids. I would tell her don't stress herself over it, but she really wants me to have a normal life.

Tonight me and Zion are going out to McDonald's because we that's our favorite place to hang out.

I let Zion met my mom and she loves him, like he was her son. They automatically go along, and when he's around she invites him to stay for diner.

Zion was gonna pick me up any minute. I grabbed my wallet and my phone and waiting in my living room for the bell to ring.

I was watching people snaps and I seen Zion just posted something. It was a picture of him smiling with his tongue out, with the caption 'about to see my favorite girl y/n 😍. (Sorry mom) 🤗.'

I smile at the photo

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I smile at the photo. I send him a text. 'Hurry up 😘" I put my phone down and my mom walked into the living and see me waiting.

"Hey, are you waiting for Zion." She sign. I nodded. She told me she was gonna run some errands and she'll be home later, also to lock the door.

Waited until I got a text from Zion telling me that he's outside. I got up walked through the front door and locked it behind me. Zion was standing at the passenger seat of the car, I walked up to him a smile never leaving my face.

He grabbed me into a hug and I hugged him back. His hugs are always so warm and comforting. "Hey beautiful." He signed. I started blushing a little bit.

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