{11} Dancing With The Stars PT. ✌️

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y/n POV

It's been 5 weeks since Zion's first night and we've grown a strong connection towards each other. Every single week his dancing has gotten better and he's learning something new.

Sometimes I can't seem to focus, because I get distracted by Zion, he doesn't do anything and I just fall in his trance.

I'm not gonna lie I've grown a crush on Zion but I could never tell him because it would probably ruin our partnership and I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way.

Zion's POV

In the past 5 weeks I've grown a crush on y/n. What's not to like. She's gorgeous, has a nice body, super sweet, very hardworking, she's goofy, she's fun, she makes me smile, and I can go forever but it would be 5 list of things. 

But to me she's perfect. I would tell her how I feel if it wouldn't probably ruin our chances at winning the mirror ball.

As much as I want to tell her and kiss her I can't and plus I bet she wouldn't feel the same way, she's way to good for me.

Me and y/n finished learning our contemporary dance early, so we decided to go out and get some food. The cameras really followed everywhere.

We went to this restaurant, it wasn't to fancy, just a classic one. We decided to have the seats outside then the ones inside. We took our seats and started looking at the menus.

"So how do you feel about being on dancing with the stars, so far." She said, putting her menu down. I'm guessing she already knows what she wants.

"It's different." I replied. She raised her eyebrows and leaned her head on her hands.

"Please elaborate."

y/n POV

"Please elaborate." I said with my head leaning on my hand. He looks so cute at this angle. I just had to admire him.

"When I'm on tour with the boys, I've never had to learn different categorized dances, or had people judging me on how I did it right. Or had a pretty girl as my dance partner." He explains. I turned my head away hoping my hair was blocking my blushed out cheeks. "Aww, are you blushing?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and slightly shoved him.

"Shut up." I laughed, he does too. The things this boy does to me is ridiculous. The waiter comes over and takes our order, then he leaves.

"So far What has been your favorite dance?" I asked Zion, he looks up at the sky, and starts taking his chin, making a thinking face. He scoffs and his face go back to normal

"If I had to say, the first week dance was my favorite." He said, drinking the water that was placed next to him.

"Charleston. That was my favorite too." I said. The first day is the night you'll never forget.

*y/n in the confession room*

I feel like me and Zion gets along so well that our performances have excelled drastically.

We have the best understanding and we help each other through out and that's gonna get us that Mirror Ball and we will be in the finals I can promise you that

*end of y/n's Confession*

"Would you want another dance partner?" Zion asked me. I took a drink of water, and braced myself to talk.

"Absolutely not. You are one of the best dance partner I've ever had, I wouldn't want anyone else." I said. I spoke honestly, I would have not wanted anyone else. Zion is the most sweetest, funniest person I've ever met, and I wouldn't change a thing.

"Would you?" I asked. I leaned back into my chair, waiting for his response.

"No, and I'm not saying that because you said all those nice things about me." He said, holding his chest, wiping away a fake tear. "Seriously, I'm more better than what I was when it was the first week, I feel like I'm a different person when I'm with you and I can gladly say, I'm dance knowledge has grown more."

"Well it wasn't easy, your kinda hard to teach." I teased and he smiles at me, and I smile back. His smile is so contagious. Ughh

"Oh really." He raised one eyebrow. I nodded and crossed my arm. "Well you kinda suck at teaching." He said. I send a dramatic gasp, and I hold my chest.

"How dare you?" I replied and shake my head. He starts laughing at me and I playfully hit him.

"I'm kidding." he said. His laughter dies down and he just looks at the table like it was so interesting.

"What's wrong, you look like you thinking really hard about something." I said. He looks back up to me and the look on his face looks nervous.

"Yeah I've been thinking about something really important." He said, chuckling nervously, fiddling with his fingers.

"Wanna talk about it?" I said and he nodded his head.

"Yeah I need to get this off my chest anyways." He looks me dead in my eye, I give him my full attention. "Since day 1 I had this feeling, I thought it would pass away after a few days, but it's only grown, and I've been trying so hard to keep it in and find this feeling, but it just wants to be shown, and I can't find it anymore, but it can probably ruin something really important to me." He said. I move my seat a little closer to him.

Whatever he's keeping in seems to be really eating him alive. I put my hand on his arm, and he looks down at the floor.

"Zion whatever it is, it's going to be ok." I said rubbing his arm, being supportive. He shakes his head, he looks more than nervous now, he looks scared.

"I don't know." He said. He starts to bounce his leg up and down, and his breathing picks up a little.

"What is it Zion, what's wrong." I said. At this point, I'm nervous at what he's going to say.

"I'm in love with you y/n. It started out as a little crush, but after all the time I've spent with you, it turned into more than that. I can't get you out of my head, your all that I think about. Your beautiful, your funny, you can dance, your a good listener, we have so much in common, you care about me, your everything I want, and I get it if you don't feel the sam-." He said, but got cut off, I smashed my lips on his.

His lips were so soft, I grab his face to pull him closer to me. He grips my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

*y/n in confession room*

Omgggggggg I really just kissed Zion *covers face*

Best day ever

*end of confession*

He breaks the kiss. I opened my eyes that I didn't even realized I closed. He smiles at me and I smiled back.

"Woah. I guess that answered my question." Zion said. I giggle at him.

"I'm in love with you too." I said and he pecked my lips. I lean my head on his neck.

"That's what I always wanted to hear." He said. I smile against his neck and wrapped my arms around him.

Zion Kuwonu is my boyfriend..... wow..

PART 3 ?.....

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