{8} Dancing With The Stars 💃🏽

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y/n POV

I stand in the Dancing With The Stars studio, waiting to meet my celebrity dance partner. All I know is that it's a guy. I'm so excited to meet him.

All of my friends be jealous of me because my dancing partners are like a big deal, but I treat them like they are normal people.

I know a lot of dances, but I'm more into hip-hop because it's more fun. The anticipation is really killing me, I can barely stand still.

I hear the door open, which quickly grabs my attention. Then only a head pops through the door.

*y/n in confession room*

Omgggg it's Zion Kuwonu I'm a huge fan, this is crazy. Broooo I'm shaking so much

*end of confession*

"Oh my god." I said, covering my mouth in shock and he fully walks into the room, with a wide smile on his face.

"Hi." He says, giving me a hug, I quickly wrap my arms around him. He smells like peaches and cream.

"Bro, this is crazy, I've would have never suspected you to be my partner." I said and he breaks the hug.

"I know, I'm a huge fan." He said playing with his cap, with his dreads sticking out of them.

"For real." I said and he nod.

"Wow, that's nuts."


After a few minutes me and Zion are talking game strategy. "So, when it comes to dance, what's your best category." I asked.

Now we are sitting on the floor, criss cross, and face to face. "I'm better in hip-hop, and a little tap." He said.

"Are you open to learn different dance styles." I asked.


"So, for our first dance we are going to be going the Charleston, and I pick this because it matches your energy." I said. He smiles nodding his head. "You down?" I asked.

"I'm done." He said and we high fived.


Right now we we're practicing the flip. "It's quick, so you have to listen to the beat." He nods. He grabs me by my waist and flips me.

"Oh my god, you weight 1 pound." He said, I slapped his chest and told him to show up.

*y/n in confession room*

I like working with Zion because he knows when it's time to be silly and serious. His energy is contagious and being around him influences mine energy.

*shows y/n and Zion laughing*

It feels like I've know Zion my whole life. We automatically became good friends. And I know after this we will remain friends. I also know that he's going to kill this routine. So watch out

*end of confession*

"The first to perform, doing the energetic Charleston, y/n and Zion." The group is going wild as me and Zion get into position.

I stare into Zion's eyes and he starts into mine. "You killed it." I said and he put me down. He wraps his arm around my waist and we walk over to the host.

"Wow, Zion you look out of breath." He said. As Zion continues to try and catch his breath.

"I am." He said causing me to laugh.

"How are you feeling?" He said.

"I'm feeling so jumpy and I'm so happy to be here and just excited for the long road ahead." Zion said and the crowd starts cheering.

"Carrie Ann thoughts."

"Wow, I'm just amazed. I didn't expect you to be that good on the first day, you form was good, the connection was phenomenal. Just great." She said. I pat Zion on his chest.


"I have to have your carry a lot of energy in the tall body. Serious that was the best Charleston that I've ever seen in any season, keep up the good work."


"Beautiful, it was amazing, so energetic I wanted to go and dance with you." We laughed. "And at the end, when you were staring into each other's eyes I felt a strong connection a bond, and your moves where so smooth and this is what this shows about. Great job, both of you." He said

"Thank you." Me and Zion said at the same time.

"Now it's time for the scores."

Carrie Ann gave us a 9, Lee gave us a 9, and Bruno gave us a 10. Leaving us with a total of 28. Me and Zion hugged each other tightly.

We walked off the stage and went backstage. "You were amazing." I complimented.

"Me, you was killing it." Zion said picking me up, swinging me around.

"I feel so powerful." He said, jumping around. "We make a awesome team, we have the best chance at Winning this."

"Keep that exact same energy, we are gonna need it."

It's short I know I didn't really know what to write for this. I just thought and wrote down whatever. 😬......

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