{14} He's A Southside Serpent 🐍

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y/n POV

I didn't know that when we moved to Riverdale drama would cascade. New York was bad but, the town with pep, is the town with depth.

When we got to Riverdale Jason blossom was missing and presumed dead. Until they found his body on the river shore, a gunshot wound to the head. An instant kill.

I felt bad for Cheryl, I did, but somehow she took the anger of her brothers death, on a lot of people, I know this is a hard time but being a bitch doesn't help anyone.

Me, my sister, Veronica, and my mother Hermione, just happened moved to Riverdale when Jason died.

I'm adopted, Veronica is not my blood sister, Hermione is not my blood mother, and Hiram is not my blood father.

But they treat me like I was born from them. My real family didn't want me but, they did and I'm grateful for that or I'll be in a orphanage.

A years passed since we've moved here, and Archie and Veronica having a great relationship, Betty and Jughead are couple goals, and I'm single.

And sometimes they all will be out doing there couple things, and I bathe myself in ice cream and my subscription to Netflix and just feel bad for myself.

I would find a boyfriend but, from what I've seen Northside boys cannot be trusted, I have two names for you. Reggie Freaking Mantle and Chuck Clayton. The two biggest players of Riverdale. I hate them with a passion.

I would kill for a relationship like Veronica and Archie's or Betty and Jughead's but true fact, everyone rather have Veronica then me. I'm always last pick and that's why I'm insecure sometimes, I don't feel good enough.

Boys that are loyal, sweet, a little rebellious, and have a big heart is my type, and super rare and especially in Riverdale.

For the past couple of days the Northside have had a feud with the Southside. It started with a killer called the black hood killing off people in the Northside.

Archie and the football team decided they will not sit in silence as we get picked off, and made a video addressing the blackhood cowardliness.

And now recently we are all at Archie's house and so is some of the football players. Just talking and having a good time. Until the door bell ringed.

I quickly made my way to the door and opened it. There were a bunch of teenage boys standing on the front porch.

One stood out the most. He was gorgeous. I porch light reflected off his skin, making it shine. He was super tall, and he had dreads that were dyed purple which mad him look even cuter.

"I don't remember hiring strippers." I said, sarcastically, the boy with the dreads had a slight smile on his face as the others stand there, with a serious look on their faces.

"Is Archie Andrews here?" The raven-haired hottie said. I turned around and shouted Archie's name.

When he seen who was at the door his facial expression changed drastically. "y/n I think Veronica needed help with the drinks, can you go help out?" I nodded and walked away from but, not without glancing back at dreads for a second.

I went back to Veronica and she was sitting on the couch. "I thought you need help with the drinks."

She raised her eyebrows at me in confusion. "I put the drinks out before the boys even got here, who said that?"

"Archie. I opened the door and a bunch of dudes wear black leather jackets are on the front porch, I thought they were strippers."

She mumbles. "Serpents." Under her breath and quickly runs to the front door, and me behind her.

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