{22} Roomates 😷

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y/n POV

I always dreamed of being a singer, or a actress, or even model, any other teenage girl's classic dream. Some of them are fortunate and makes their dream come true. Unfortunately the unfortunate doesn't.

Like me. Hi I'm y/n... and I have cancer. My family are very protective of me especially since I live in the hospital. I have stage 3 cancer, there was one point in my life that I almost didn't make it.

My family tells me I'm so strong and to keep fighting, I've been fighting since I was 16 and I'm 18 years old now. One thing that I hate about cancer is that it took my life away from me.

I'm grateful that I'm alive but I'm still suffering. The chemo took my hair away from me, which is a reason why I wear a beanie 24/7, also I can barely walk on my own, and some days I'm in so much pain that I can't even move.

When I got diagnosed with cancer everyone started looking at me differently, everyone felt sorry for me. My family started paying more attention, it's funny when your dying people seem to care more.

The only person I could really talk to is Hayden. She's also another patient at this hospital that has cancer. She's had cancer for longer than me and is still fighting the good fight. She's 15 though, she got diagnosed at 11.

I swear the only thing that makes this hospital fun is my phone, Hayden and the cable here, it wasn't boring hospital cable, it's like the ones on your living room.

Right now every child/teenage patients were in the meeting room, which was like a hangout for us. In here we talked about how everything was going, and do we are feeling or just play video games. Everyone in here has either the same thing or something different.

"y/n! Did you hear there is going to be a new patient, today?" Hayden said. I shook my head. Everyone is the first to know everything except me, I'm always last to know.

"No, I didn't because I'm always last to know anything." I said sarcastically, She rolls her eyes at my sarcasm.

"I heard he's super tall." She replied

"How do you even know the newbie is a 'he'." I asked, raising my eyebrows in confusion.

She smiled like a goof. "Because I'm fifteen and nosey." I shaking my head, rolling my eyes. "And plus the nurses like to gossip."

"Gossip? About what, this hospital is not like Grey's Anatomy, nothing about this hospital is even gossip worthy."

She scoffs and changes the subject. "So, was there any pain this morning." She asked. I sighed, I hated bringing up these situations but my doctors insisted I did.

"It wasn't so bad, it's was just my arms and chest, but nothing critical." I explained, she gives me a look, almost like she didn't believe me

"y/n be honest." She said, giving me that 'tell the truth or else' face. I looked down at my hand.

"I don't want them to have another reason to stick a fucking knife into me." I said, aggressively. I hated going into surgery, I'm always scared that when I'm under the knife I won't wake up.

"Well that fucking knife can save your life, y/n. I don't want you to die." She replied. I rolled my eyes of everyone telling me something I've heard millions of times before.

"I have stage 3 cancer Hayden I'm bond to die! I'm tired of everyone keep telling me that surgery can save me, if that's the case why do I still have cancer then, and chemotherapy isn't doing shit but getting people's hopes up, I'm living in the dark and there will never be any light. I live in this hospital and I'm going to die in it, why sugarcoat it." I wheeled myself out of the meeting room and went back to my room.

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