{24} My Best Friend Pt.3 😇 (FINALE)

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y/n POV

I woke up to be in a room that was only the color white, and light fog swam through the floors. It was quiet and I was the only one here.

I looked around and there was no sign of any living thing but me, no doors, no rivers, no roads, no nothing, I was alone.

Am I in heaven? Where is the man himself? Isn't he supposed to guide me through my new transition. "Hello!" I screamed hoping someone heard me.

But nothing happened. "Hello!" I tried again. I let out a deep sigh and slumped my body trying to relax myself.

"Hello, y/n." A voice said, startling me. I jumped, letting out a small squeal. A man wearing a white robe, Caucasian, and in his Mid-30 appear in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Jesus himself." My jaw drops and he gives me a genuine smile.

Zion's POV

It's been a 2 days since y/n's death and I completely have fallen apart. It's my fault she's dead, I turned my back on her, I've should have seen the signs.

I let Audreyana do and say all those awful things. I will never forgive myself. y/n's funeral is tomorrow all her family and friends will be there including my family.

Someone knocked on my door, I already knew it was my mother. "Zion, you have mail." She said. I didn't move from my queen size bed at all.

"Just slide it under the door." I replied back to her. I wonder who would send me mail, I never get mail. I hear the sound of paper slide against the floor.

I get up from the bed and grabbed the mail. It's didn't say who it was from it just had my name in the front. I ripped it open and pulled a piece of paper out. It seemed like a letter, I opened the paper and it read

Dear Zion .....

If you are reading this I'm dead. If I'm not dead and they revived me, then rip this letter up, but if I am please keep reading. I know this was unexpected but it's me y/n alive at the moment. We've been best friends since we were six and it was always us against the world.

Or so I thought, when I lost you my world crumbled and I tried my best to suppress my depression but once you moved on and made more friends, I realized you didn't need me, you were popular and I was a basket case.

• Zion Kuwonu Imagines •Where stories live. Discover now