{10} Say Goodbye 👋

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y/n POV

I'm at the mall with my boyfriend Zion and we are just walking around shopping. Zion's in a popular boy band and I'm used to girl wanted to take pictures and hugging him, but sometimes it goes too far and plus we never get to spend time together so I guess this is quality boyfriend-girlfriend time.

It's like when he's around the other girl, I don't exist and it really hurts my feelings. Sometimes he doesn't notice and I don't know what to do.

I know this is his career and dream but I wish he never became famous. I know I sound selfish but it's how I feel, maybe I wouldn't feel the way I feel if he wasn't.

"Babe, can we go in footlocker." He said. I nod, he grabbed my hand and gently pulls me into footlocker.

We started looking at different shoe brands, picking out which one do we really want. "Oh my god, your Zion." A squeaky voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw a teenage girl standing in front of Zion.

"Yeah, are you a fan?" He said. She nods, this girl is so jumpy she literally can not stand still.

"Can I take a selfie with you." The girl asked. Oh come on, who says selfie anymore?

"Yeah, sure why not?" He said.

"Are you sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind?" She asked. My eyes widen.

"Actua-." I started but then got cut off my Zion.

"I'm sure y/n wouldn't mind." He said and got ready for the picture. I'm so done, I can't take it more. I felt foot locker and went home.

I tired of how my feelings are put aside, I'm tired of not being respected. I'm tired of holding on to all this undercover stress. I just need a breather.

When I got home I changed into my pajamas, I'm not even sure if he even noticed I left, too busy putting his fans over me. I tried to make it work but can't.

Zion's POV

I finished taking a couple of pictures with my fan and she left the store. I notice y/n wasn't in footlocker anymore. I pulled out my phone and called her.

It was ringing and I was waiting for her to answer.


Babe where are you?

I'm at home

When did you get leave?

When you totally lost interest in my existence

Babe what are you talking about?

I left because you forgot I was there and you put my feelings aside to address a fan

I'm coming over so we can talk about this

Yeah, whatever

I ended the call and headed towards my car. I started the car and drove to y/n house. When I got there, I walked in because the door was opened and went upstairs to her bedroom.

I opened her bedroom door and she was just laying there, on her phone. "I'm here, so let's talk." I took a seat on the head of her bed. She sits up and just looks at me, and there's complete silence.

"You wanted to talk?" I said, she raised her eyebrows, but not like in a questionable way, it was more like a 'Are You Serious' way.

"No you wanted to talk." She corrected me. I took a deep breath and take a seat next to her.

"What's going on y/n, you left the mall and didn't even tell me."

"I'm sorry, you was just so busy with your little fan, that if I would have told you I left, then you still wouldn't have payed attention."

"y/n were is all of this coming from?" I said. I don't understand she never had a problem with me addressing a fan.

"When ever we try to do something together, a fan has to take your attention, I couldn't be able to get your attention if I was juggling cakes." She said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes.

"y/n their my fans I can't just ignore them."

"But you can ignore me, right."

"I didn't say that." I said.

"That's where you was gonna with it Zion!" She screamed, I was shocked.

y/n POV

I screamed at him. That's a first. "Why are you being so dramatic?!" He screams back at me, standing up from my bed.

"I'm not I'm tired of feeling mistreated and trapped." I said, trying to get through to him.

"I have done everything to make you happy, what am I doing wrong?" He asked.

"Your not there, your never there. If there's gonna be a relationship you have to be there for me, you have to talk to me, you need to pay attention, you need to put things aside, risk some things for me."

"I'm in a boyband, I can't always be there with you, I have a career, I have fans that I can't disappoint, I can't get anymore sidetracked in my practices." He said.

"So I guess I'm a distraction." I said lowly, kinda disappointed on where this conversation going.

"Yeah, kind of." He said sitting back down next to me. "I love you y/n, I really do but having a girlfriend is adding more stress on me."

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt tears coming down my face. "I guess we are breaking up then." I said, bringing my knees to my face.

"Yeah." He said. I cried more and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt Zion's arm wrap around my shoulder, and he pulled me into his chest.

I cried until I couldn't cry anymore and we just sat there. He wipes my tears away. I started to get tired, I ended up falling asleep.


I woke up the next morning and Zion was gone. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. I notice a note on the side of my bed. I opened and read it.

'There's never a right time to say goodbye, but I gotta go, I never meant to break your heart, and I never wanted to grow apart, and I'll always love you, I'm gonna miss you'

I close the letter and I laid back down in my bed, thinking about Zion. This is so hard....

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