{20} He's A Southside Serpent PT. 2 🤫

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y/n POV

A few weeks after me and Zion's date we started to see each other daily. When you look at him you probably think bad news but, behind the jacket he's a softie.

He treats me like a princess, he makes me smile, his hugs are so comforting and his kisses are so mesmerizing, I melt under his touch.

Somedays he would pick me up and drive us to school but he'll stop like two block away because no one knows we date.

I don't know I'll do if my family knew that me and Zion were dating. They won't understand and try to make me break up with him. That's the reason I don't want anyone to know.

But Zion. He never told me why he didn't want people to know we are dating. I don't push it, because it'll probably lead to our first argument.

At the moment I'm at Zion's trailer, he lives by himself, so say if we were in a middle of a make out, no one would walk in.

We were sitting on his bed sitting criss cross and facing each other. It was silent, I was trapped in my thoughts but, I cant help but to feel Zion watching me.

"What?" I asked, bringing myself back from y/n land. His eyes stay on me, watching my slightest move, his body not moving one bit.

"How did I get lucky?" He said. I let out a huge smile, biting my bottom lip. I make eye contact with Zion and I can see his chocolate eyes get more define.

"I'm guessing luck." I replied to his question. He looked down and grabbed both of my hands into his big ones.

He brought them up to his lips, placing a kiss on both of my hands, rubbing his thumbs over them. I can't help but feel flustered.

I liked this feeling, I never had this experience with a boy before. It made me feel a feeling I've never felt before.

"I have a question." I said. I looked at his appearance but, he was still looking down and playing with my hands my hands still.

"What is it?" He asked making eye contact with me, with a huge smile on his face, which made me smile.

"Promise you won't get mad." I said and he let go of my hands, and put up his pinky.

"Pinky promises." I connected our pinkies and he kissed my hand again.

"I want to join the serpents." I said. The once smile that was on his face dropped to a surprised mad one.

He stood up from the bed quickly and started to pace back and forth. "Hell no, you are not joining the serpents y/n. Are you crazy?"

"No, I've been thinking about it for awhile."

"Well stop thinking about it." He says, raising his voice.

"What's the big deal about me becoming a serpent." I asked, raising my voice as well. He's really making a big deal out of nothing.

"Your a northsider y/n! Your rich! have a big house! and your too soft! And if people find out we go out the-" He started but I cut him off.

"Then what? Then what Zion? Tell me why you can't so me off in public, tell me why finding me from your buddies is so important. I told you my reason!" He looks down and starts twisting his dreadlocks.

"Why all of a sudden your quiet? Tell me Zion." I said, wanting a truthful answer from him.

"Because your a northsider. It's embarrassing to be associated with one, I'll be the laughing stock of the whyte worm and the southside." He said, my feeling are hurt because of what he said.

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