{42} The Foster's Pt.2 🏡

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It's been a week since I arrived at the Fosters House. Everyone was pretty chill and Me and Zion are not in a relationship.

I try to distance myself because I actually like the fosters and I want them to adopt them. I know that I've probably lead Zion on but it can't risk being in another foster home.

Jude has told me that he was gay and I was happy for him. I don't think he was shy about it, but embraced it and that's a good thing.

I've recently meet Mariana's boyfriend Nick. He's a little edgy and kinda weird but that's none of my business.

Today I start school. I learned that Lena was Principal which was cool. I was sitting at the kitchen table with Mariana and Callie.

Soon Zion joined us and you can cut the tension with a knife. I think he knows I've been avoiding him. We would steal a glance at each other here and there.

"Um, so (y/n) are you excited for your first day?" Callie asked, breaking the awkward silence, which I'm thankful for.

"I'm excited. My other foster parents didn't allow me to go to school, they would make me stay in the house and clean." I said, probably killing the mood. The looks on their face shows pity.

I shrug off their looks and continue eating. "Well I'm pretty sure you will do great on your first day." Mariana said, with a sad smile, which I returned.

After we finished eating, we walked to school. The walk wasn't that long but it was refreshing. Zion made annoying hard because he looked so fine.

All I wanted to do was jump on him and kiss him hard but I couldn't. We make it to school and Callie showed me to the main office.

She then told me that she need to get to class. She then left and I got my schedule.

I leave the office to see a clear hallway. I look at the schedule and seen I had look 167. I started searching for it on the first floor.

"I love how you are avoiding me." Zion said from behind me. I jumped a little from being startled by him. I still didn't turn around because I really didn't want to face him.

"I'm not avoiding you." I continue searching for my locker, and I could still feel Zion's presence behind me.

"Oh really. Thank god, I was just overreacting, I guess walking away from me everytime you see me is just how we say hey now? Huh?" I rolled my eyes.

I found my locker and opened it, Zion right besides me. "Zion, I'm doing this for a reason, ok, we can't be together." I put things I don't need in the locker and then closed it.

"Why not, I like you (y/n)"

"No you don't, you just like the thought of me, Z." I said he gives me a confused face.

"What are you talking about? Your the only girl that actually makes me feel things and that's different for me."

"Zion. If we get together, that would mean I would have to be put into another foster home. I like you Zion believe me I do, but I love being apart of this family. I'm sorry." His eyes that where once bright loses its life.

I place a kiss on his cheek and walked away from a heartbroken looked Zion. I would lie and say that I wasn't heartbroken either but I can't because I was.

I sucks to not have him but I want to be apart of the family. I walked into the girls bathroom and let out of few tears that I was holding in.

I heard the sound of shoes hitting the bathroom floor. I quickly wiped my tears away and tired to look presentable.

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