{31} Survivors PT.1 🛩

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I was now on my way to the airport. I was in Canada visiting my mother. I lived in LA, I moved to LA here when I graduated from high school.

Even though I love LA I get homesick and miss my mother. My dad died when I was pretty young, but my mom doesn't talk about him.

I spent a week in Canada with my mom, just having fun and catching up. I'm sad I have to go back but I have dreams I gotta pursue.

Once I arrive at the airport, I paid the taxi and grabbed my luggage from the trunk. On my way inside, I see a family gathering together in a family hug and one stood out.

He was super tall, he had purple dreads, thick eyebrows, and was wearing a sleeve less plain white T shirt, which showed off his tattoos, black skinny jeans and Vans.

But overall he was fine. I walk into the airport and got my ticket from the front desk. I had to wait for the planes arrival because it was delayed.

I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram, when I notice someone took a seat from across from me. My eyes landed on the cute boy from outside.

I blushed and looked back down at my phone. I pulled in my headphones and played music from my spotify playlist.

The first song to start was bellyache by Billie Eilish. I loved Billie so much her music is so powerful, the words have so much meaning.

I looked back up one more time and saw that the cute boy was looking at me. He sends me a smile and I send one back, looking back down.

I could still feel his eyes one me but I don't budge and continue to let Billie's voice sooth me.

The plane didn't arrive until an hour later. I quickly showed the lady my ticket and boarded the plane, I was flying in coach because I'm not rich and I'm not better than anyone.

I put my luggage in the carrier and took a seat at the window seat aka the best seats on the plane. I continue to play my music, I seen the cute boy get on the plane and he noticed me.

He smiles at me again, and puts his luggage away and takes a seat a few rows away from me. As the plane gets full, and I'm getting slugged against the window, my mom calls.


Hey mom

Mom 👵

Hey sweetie,are you on the plane?


Yes, the plane was delayed so they were late.

Mom 👵

Ok be safe and call me when you land, ok.


Sure do

Mom 👵

Ok love you bye.


Bye mom

I hung up the phone and turned it off, so it doesn't cause plane problems. The plane starts trumbling signaling that it's about to leave the lane.

I'm not scared to travel via plane I've done it plenty of times but I'm getting a really bad feeling about this one, but I decided to push that feeling away.

The plane takes off in the air and I slump down and my seat trying to relax for the next five hours.

About thirty minutes into the flight the plane had turbulence and lot too. "No need to worry passengers, just a little turbulence." The pilot says through the Mic.

The turbulence doesn't stop and I'm starting to think I've should have finished to my gut. The plane was shaking mercilessly, I look out the window and notice that the plane was starting to drop.

My eyes widen and then masked dropped from the compartment and I quickly put it on. All I hear are a bunch of screams and bodies flying.

Then all of a sudden the roof of the plane was ripped off and the person that was sitting next to me flew out of the plane and then I screamed.

OMG OMG OMG this can't be happening, I can't leave my mom, I'm all she has. Then everything went black.


I woke up and felt pain in my leg. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed that the plane was spilt in half. People were dead on the plane floor.

I went to move my leg but the pain made me stop. I looked down and saw that it was twisted and broken and now the pain started escalating.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I couldn't help but let out some tears from the pain.

I tried standing up but there was no use. I pulled out my phone and turned it on but it wouldn't. My phone had cracks all over it, I think it's broken.

"Fuck." I screamed. My breathing picks up. Then I hear someone cough.

"Hello." I said, sparks from the damage and flies. I hear the sound of someone's footsteps. I let out a sigh of relief.

Then the cute boy appears in front of me. This clothes ripped, and blood leaked from his temple, but he's walking perfectly fine.

He lifts me up bridal style and he walks out of the broken plane. I looked around and all I saw was sand and water and a couple a trees.

A deserted island. Great. He sets me down in the sand, was trying not to focus on my leg but the pain was to much.

"You have to move my leg back into place." I said, he had a worry look on his face.

He grabbed a of my leg and looks me into my eyes. "I'm Zion." He said and I nod my head.

"I'm (y/n)." I replied.

"I'm 19 years old, how about you?" He asked.

"I-" I started but he twisted my leg causing me to let a horrifying scream. The pain was extreme and I felt like passing out.

I started calming down after a few seconds. He watched me the whole time. "Thank you." I said laying back into the sand.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine." I said, I lifted my self back up.

"I'm gonna see if anyone else survived, I'll be right back." Zion said, running back into the plane to find any survivors.

I tried to find something to wrap my legs in but couldn't find anything. Zion rubs back towards me a minute later.

"I couldn't find anyone else, it's just us." He said he took a seat next to me.

"I watched someone fly out of a plane, I'm gonna need a lot of therapy." I said, looking down at the sea, finding it calming.

"We'll be fine, as long as we stay together we'll be okay." Zion reassures me.

I just burst out in tears just realizing that we may die here. Zion wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him as I cry into his chest.

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