{38} Mutants Pt.2 🧪

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y/n's POV

Me and Zion have been on the road for a good 2 hours. I have no idea where he's taking me. He said it was somewhere safe, but I can't help but to be worried.

"Where exactly is somewhere safe." I said. I rolled down the window of his nice car.

"Somewhere in Atlanta, it's a mutant hideout you'll be safe." He said, from the corner of my eye I could see him glance at me.

"Why are you helping me." I said, now looking from the window to him.

He smiles letting out a small chuckle. "Because I'm just like you." He said, but he didn't say it with his mouth. He's a telepath.

"You can communicate via mind, what else can you do." I said. He pulls in at a gas station and parks the car.

"Don't get out of the car, and don't get notice, the police are probably looking for you." He said, getting out of the car and enters the gas station store.

I watched as Zion walked through the store. Then a suspicious looking man walks in. I decided to go against Zion's word and get out of the car.

When I walk in I see that the guy had Zion at him point. "Give me all of your fucking money." Zion had his hands up like he was surrendering.

"Put the gun down and we could talk about this." Zion said trying to negotiate with the man.

Zion starts slowly walking forward. He looks at me and he his eyes widen quickly before looking back at the man.

"One more step and your blood will be all over the chips." The man said.

"Let's not do something you'll regret." Zion took another step and the sound of a gun goes off.

I quickly react and stopped the bullet. The man looked shocked as the bullet was stuck in mid air. I used my powers to pull his gun from his hand.

"I guess he didn't care about the consequences." Then the bullet dropped. The guy turns around and sees me.

"I'm not scared of you." His constant shaking would say other wise. I noticed that he was wearing a metal bracelet.

I used my powers to push him into the freezers. "I thought I said stay in the car." Zion said walking up to me.

He grabs my arms and we exit the gas station store. I got into the car, and so did he and we drove away from the crime scene.

 I got into the car, and so did he and we drove away from the crime scene

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