- 35- hello mulliangar

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Short chapter sorry it's just I went to A ONE DIRECTION CONCERT AND I WAS EIGHT FEET FROM NIALL AND HE WAVED when they sang little things it was crying so much and I was balling my eyes out and basically I ran through beers and past body GARUDS to get to them and I almost got kicked out for these five boys that have help me through everything . I love them and I know they love me ❤️



+ Maeve's pov +

the taxi pulled up to a small but lovely home . It was white rocks and red bricks around the house , it was beautiful . In the long drive way there were 3 cars. The first one was a black GMC . The next car was a Gary ford focus and lastly in the back was a black range rover that I was guessing is Niall's . There was a little garden in the front yard. We got our bags from the back of the truck and Niall paid the driver . We wheeled our bags to the front door and he knocked . I looked over and saw Niall with a huge grin on his face and I returned the smile . Not more then ten seconds a small and cubby woman . She was very pretty, his mom has short blonde hair. Really blue eyes.

" oh my nialler ! Your home ! I have missed ye so much " Maura , his mom pulled him into a big hug .

" I missed you too mum so much " he sounded like he was crying ! He is so sweet . They let go and she turned to me .

" you must be Maeve oh niall has told me only good things about you ! He really likes you a lot . I'm glad you came to meet us " she then pulled me into a big warm hug . It felt really good to hug someone besides the boys

" I'm so glad to meet you and same to you Niall always talks about you and you are a very nice lady . And thank you for letting me stay !" I smiled and let go

We walked inside to see Greg , his brother and Greg's son Theo and his wife Denice. Niall went to hug his brother Greg so I went and hugged Denice.

" hello love I'm Greg's wife Denice ! Nice to finally meet you ! " she gave me a hug and I hugged back we soon let go

" same to you ! thank you and congrats on the baby ! Theo is so cute ! " I smiled down at the cute little 5 Month old .

" hi Maeve I'm Greg nice to meet you Niall never shut up about you ! " he came over and gave me a nice short hug . I smiled

" hello nice to finally meet you too ! Niall really looks up to you ! And congrats on Theo. ! He is really the cutest baby ever " I laughed

I looked over to see Niall holding Theo. smiling down at him talking to Denice we walked over to them

" he is so cute " I smiled

" thank you !" Denice said

" Maeve would you like some tea ? Denice would you like some to ? Come into the kitchen " she said then walked into a beautiful kitchen . She grabbed three mugs

" so Maeve how do you like Ireland so far ? " Denice asked me

" it's amazing ! All the green ! The country is beautiful ! I love all the farms along the way here ! There is no where like here !" I smiled remembering the car ride

" it really is !" She smiled and Maura walked over handing us the cup . We talked for a little and soon the boys walked in .

" so how did you to meet ? " Maura asked

" uh Maeve do ye want to tell them you do have to if ya don't " niall asked me very low so no one could here.

" yeah they should know , there your family " I said a little sad

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