Chapter Fourteen - Past's Memory

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Krist and Singto leave the office around midnight and head to the parking lot together, Krist help to open the car door for the guy and put his belonging in the back seat. He unintentionally saw a familiar face from afar who acts suspiciously. Krist find it curious and decided to stalk on.

"Hey, where are you going?!"


"N'Wan?!" Singto exclaimed.

The woman quietly headed to the factory area while carrying some items in a plastic bag, she kept looking around to make sure no one was around then stopped at the accident scene this afternoon. Wan took out several offerings and arranged them on the ground. After that, she burned incense, knelt, and prayed.

"P'Mat, please rest in peace...I really don't know if this would happen to you..." Wan's lips are trembling. "I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me...and about the thing, I promised to you...I will..."

Krist was about to jump out of his hiding place, but security arrive before him and startled the woman.

"What are you doing?!"

"Woah!!!" Wan jumped in shocked and fell backward while covering her face. "Ghost!!"

"You're afraid of seeing a ghost? Did you commit a crime?"

"I'm not...I'm just paying an offering for the dead..." she stammered. "Be-because there have been frequent accidents in this building lately, I just want to pray for the spirits of the victims so that they can rest in peace and not disturb the living."

"Who told you to do that? Do you have any relation to the poor guy?"

"What? No! How is it possible for me to have any relation with the victim?! Excuse me!" she quickly gets up and leaves the place.

Wan gets into the car, starts the engine, and leave, however when she just passed through the gate suddenly a car drives through at high speed and hit on the front side of her car, causing the car to spin for a few turns before it stops.

Singto and Krist's car had just arrived and witnessed what happened, they quickly got out of the car and rushed to check the girl's car. The front side of the car is badly damaged, and the windshield is cracked, but the driver's part is still intact, so the driver may not get a fatal injury.

Singto and security trying to get Wan out of the car, meanwhile Krist calling for an ambulance.

Luckily, Wan did not have a severe injury, only a few scratches on her face from a piece of the windshield, and some of her shoulder bones were broken and slightly bruised. She must stay in the hospital undergoing treatment for the next few weeks.

After the business is done, Krist followed Singto to his house, it was 3.25 am. Krist shortly throws himself on the couch and closes his eyes to sleep without hesitation though that is his first-time visit.

"I'm tired!"

"Yeah, me too." Reply Singto. "We visit the hospital twice, today...fortunately nothing bad happened to N'Wan, or the company will definitely have a big problem..." Singto stared at the bandage on his hand that was not in shape anymore and full of blood, he shortly removed it completely.

Krist opens his eyes and stared at the ceiling.

I'm curious about one thing! Why every time an accident happens, there's always you by my side. First when the elevator accident, Pin's family car accident, the little Yoon's death, the temple old man, the office boy, and last is this... "Krist tried to make an analysis.

"Do you actually suspect me who kill all of those people?"

"No, I didn't think like that! We could see all of that was clearly an accident...just somehow I feel like...we have some kind of connection in the I've known you for long...I also got this memory or dream..."

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