Chapter Twenty Three - Two God of Death

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Prea hid in a semi-finished building that had been abandoned for years. One night a group of five teenagers came to the place to make a video because rumors were spread that the place was haunted and several accidents happens in the last few weeks.

The five teenagers step into the building carefully, only equipped with flashlights and a camcorder. The building was very dark and filled with the rubble of bricks, glass, ceramics, and sand, and there is a lot of iron sticking out from the building frame and pillar, very dangerous.

Suddenly one of them glimpsed a shadow behind the wall, then immediately turned around while pointing the flashlight and saw someone running up the stairs to the top, he immediately told his friends to follow it.

They arrived on the top floor of the building and saw someone sitting on the edge of the balcony guardrail seems to want to jump off. One of them immediately took out the camera and recorded.

Prea sat with his back facing them without flinching.

"Is he human or ghost?" Asked one of the teenage boys. "He wouldn't think of suicide, right?"

"He looks pathetic to me!" His friend commented.

The five teenagers exchanged glances, then a young woman took the initiative to have a conversation with Prea.

"If you dare, just jump! We will post the video of your suicide on YouTube to be watched by the whole world!" dare a young girl.

"Don't be joking!" Rebuked his friend.

"He won't dare!"

"What if he really jumps? We will get a problem!"

"Anyway, we didn't kill him!" Said the girl. "He might be insane or depressed, not our fault if he chooses to kill himself!"

Prea turned slowly while grinning at them a second before he really jump off the balcony, the teenagers were shocked and immediately ran to the balcony to look down. But they did not see the guy's body on the ground floor.

Suddenly the girl who just had spoken to him realized something behind them, she turned slowly and saw the figure of Prea in the distance was holding a large sickle in his hand. She was shocked and did not believe her eyes and immediately called his friends.

Prea grinned while staring at them with cold eyes.

Suddenly the floor of the balcony where they stood cracked and collapsed, the sound of hysterical shouts echoed throughout the room as the five teenagers fell off five floors down, and died instantly.

Prea then walked to the edge to watch the results of his actions proudly.

Suddenly his chest was in great pain, it happened every time he used the power of the ring.

Prea walked alone without direction and destination in the street and a child look at him strangely, so he stop in front of a jewelry shop and turn his head to look at the glass window.

Prea checks himself inside the glass for moments. His face looks so pale, there were a few wrinkles around his forehead and eyes, half of his hair had turned white, and he just looks like a middle-aged man. As if he was getting old in just a few weeks, the power of the ring seemed to drain a lot of his energy.

"No, what happened to me? This is impossible! "Prea was shocked as he touched his face and examined his frowning hand.

"Phi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this to you..." Prea felt sorry. "But I don't know how to leave this body, I feel like coming back to life...can you hear me, Phi? Are you still here?" He asked his own reflection in the glass window but no one responded.

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