Chapter 18

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I rest my body on Kim and my mom's lap as we wait for the doctors to come out.

"I don't want him to leave me." My voice is so hoarse, it sounds as if I've been smoking for decades. "If he goes then I want to join him."

My mom slaps my head, "Don't you ever say that again. You have a baby to think about."

"You're pregnant?" Elle ask and when I don't reply, she bursts out crying. 

"Mierda." Maluma shouts as he gets up and he punches the wall. 

I had vaguely heard the story on the boating accident but nobody really wants to talk about it. Everyone was so beat up over but so am I, Jose is my future husband and the father of my child.

We may fight a lot but we are meant to be, Jose is the person that matters most to me and I can't fathom the idea of being without him. Even more so that we have a baby on the way, I can't do this on my own.

"Has anyone called his family?" I question as I lift my head a bit.

"They were contacted and are currently on a flight here." My mom says so I put my head back down on her lap as she continues to stroke my hair. "Just rest, I'm taking care of everything."

It seemed like hours before a doctor finally came out.

"Family of José Álvaro Osorio Balvin?" He totally butchered his name but I don't bother to correct him as we stand up. I make the way to the front with my hand rested over my stomach, showing off my engagement ring.

"Yes, I'm his wife." The doctor asks if whether I'm ok to have the news told infront of the others and I agree to it after seeing the look of desperation on their faces.

"We've had difficulty getting Mr Balvin to a point where we could say that he is stable." I feel my heart crush as he looks at his notes. "I'm very sorry to say that he flatlined on his way to the hospital h--"

I let out a wail as I clutch my chest.

"Please Mrs Balvin, do try to calm down." The doctors say while giving me a look of concern, my mom rushes forward along with Kim to hold me steady. "Mr Balvin did flatline on the way but we were able to revive him however he has flatlined numerous times during his stay."

"God." I cry out as I clutch Kim's arm.

"He is a very strong man however his heart keeps giving up on him." The doctor rubs his beard. "When the rest of his family arrive, we will need to look into his medical history."

"Is he ok?" Kim asks.

"He's stable but we aren't sure for how long." The doctor then provides us with the room number. "I will give you time to see the patient."

The doctor walks away and I can feel my heart try its way out of my chest. I ignore the others a I quickly make my way into his hospital room and a nurse with a clipboard looks at me before handing me pair of slippers. I gratefully take them before turning to look at the love of my life who is barely hanging on.

I put the slippers down onto the ground before sliding my feet into them.

This doesn't happen to us, this isn't supposed to happen to me.

I sit down on the chair besides the bed as I reach out for his hand which is colder than I expected. I place my other hand over his in attempt to warm them up before placing his hand on my face.

"I don't know what we've done to deserve this." My voice cracks. "I don't want to sound like a shallow bitch but this doesn't happen to us, we're supposed to be invincible. God, we've only just gotten back together, we are engaged and pregnant. This is not fair at all."

I get up before laying my head on his chest.

"I love you so much José. You are the only man that I have ever loved and I know that we've been fighting recently but I didn't give you permission to leave me." I chuckle slightly, "You keep on leaving us but the doctors keep bringing you back, rightfully so. It's not your time, José. It's not your time and I will be damned if you try to flatline again. We are having a baby for goodness sake, we are expanding and I am not doing this alone."

The room falls silent and in this moment I am so grateful that my mom got him a private room.

"I can't do this without you and I can't be without you." I kiss his lips. "When you wake up, when you are feeling better, I am going to marry you. We won't have to wait to plan out a big thing for the world, we're getting married as soon as you are discharged."

I hear a sniffle and I look up to see his mother standing there. I give her a tired smile as I greet her before leaving the room to give them some time together as I make my way back over to everyone.

"How is he?" They all begin asking questions and I raise my hand to silence them.

"He's going to be ok." They look at me weirdly as I grab onto my mother and Kim. "I have a wedding to plan."

Everyone looks at me as if I'm a crazy person but I don't care as I drag my twin and mom out of the hospital. 

"What are you on about?" Kim asks and I give her my best poker face.

"José is going to be ok, I'm just getting us prepared. Once he is out of the hospital, we will be getting married." I respond as I put my seatbelt on.

"How are you so sure that he is going to be ok?" Kim asks and I watch as my mom nudges her.

"He doesn't have my permission to die, I won't allow it."

KandiceKardashian: José Álvaro Osorio Balvin 

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KandiceKardashian: José Álvaro Osorio Balvin 

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