Chapter 63

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After the phone call with my mother, Kim was the first person to reach my house. The rest of my sisters soon followed except Kourtney who I am still not on speaking terms with. 

My sisters and I gushed over the moment and Khloe took it upon herself to start filming the whole thing. For once I was allowing the Keeping Up film crew to document this moment. 

I was in labour for three hours before my doctor told me that I should head down to the hospital. At that point Kylie called Jose for me because I don't really want anything to do with him but he deserves to know that his first child is about to be born. 

Jose wanted to come to the hospital but I told him that there was no point since I was only 2 cm dilated

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Jose wanted to come to the hospital but I told him that there was no point since I was only 2 cm dilated. My family don't like him so I didn't want the whole exchange to be awkward, I just don't want to be near him. 

By the fifteenth hour, we told Jose to come to the hospital since we were about 7 cm. He tried entertaining me but the contractions grew to be too much, God I didn't think that it would be this hard. I got tired of him trying to make me laugh so being the petty Kardashian that I am, I handed him the signed divorce papers. He took the papers and I felt a look of hurt cross his face before he left. He returned an hour later without the papers and we left it at that.

At the seventeenth hour, Kourtney came to the hospital and we decided to end the feud for the sake of me bringing life into this world. It still hurts that she basically called me incapable of raising my own child but for this moment, I will let it slide.

Kylie left an hour into being at the hospital but she returned by the eighteenth hour with Stormi. Since I have a private room, I may as well have all my sisters for this moment.

Once we hit the nineteen hour I had to take my hair at the braids, Kim helped me wash my face since I had become drenched in sweat. I almost cry as I pull up my gown, trying to get some air inside.

"Am I at ten centimeters yet?"

The nurse walks over to me, "Let me just have a look

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The nurse walks over to me, "Let me just have a look." 

She checks around for a few minutes, "Congratulations, you are fully dilated."

I almost cry in relief.

"Thank God." Jose wipes away a stray tear that begins to slide down my face.

Kylie decides to leave with Stormi since she is currently sleeping, she promises to visit in the morning. Kourtney also leaves because she needs to get back to the kids which leaves Kendall, Khloe, my mom and Jose in the room with me.

My mom takes her place at the head of the bed with me while Jose stands on the opposite side. I allow him to hold my hand since I don't want to start drama in the room. Kim is at the foot of the bed, standing besides the doctor who walked in not long ago.

Kendall is standing in the back and Khloe is filming on the camera along with one camerawoman from Keeping Up.

"Kandice, you've got this." I attempt to smile at the doctor but I'm hit by another contraction. A few tears slide down my face and Jose rubs the back of my hands.

"You can do this mami."

"On the next contraction, I need you to push." The doctor tells me and I nod my head. I can see him looking at the monitor, waiting for the spikes that indicate that I'm having a contraction. I scrunch up my face in pain at the contraction. "PUSH!"

The next few minutes are fucking brutal as I try to push this big ass baby out of my vagina.

"Oh God." I lean back in pain as my mother wipes my forehead which is drenched in sweat.

"You can do this." Jose says in my ear. "Our baby is waiting for us."

As soon as the next contraction hits, I give it my all and it pays off as I let out a huge cry at the sound of my baby.

"It's a boy." The doctor announces as he lifts my son up.

"You did it." Jose presses his forehead against mine before pressing his lips against mine. I savor the moment before pulling away from him.

I offer him a small smile as my mom congratulates me.

"Would the father like to cut the cord?" Someone says and Jose looks at me, I give him a tired nod. I watch as he cuts the cord before allowing myself to slowly relax as the nurses being to clean our son.

My son.

I have a son.

I have a child. 

"Kim." I breathe and she is at my side, wrapping her arms around me.

"Congratulations Kandi." She kisses my head. "You did it."

"Mom?" The doctor lifts my baby up and I immediately know what is about to go down. I've been waiting for this moment to arrive.

My mom helps me pull down my gown and I close my eyes as they place my son on my chest. I inhale sharply the second I feel his skin against mine and I open my eyes to look down at him.

"Hey baby." I kiss his head and the most beautiful thing happens, he opens his eyes. "I'm your mommy."

In that moment everyone snaps out of their daze and they begin capturing this moment. I'm about to hand him to Jose but the doctors take him so that they can properly clean him up, I'm reluctant to let him go but I know that I have to. 

Within twenty minutes, our son has been cleaned and weighed before being given to Jose so that they can have their skin to skin moment. All of my sisters have cuddled our boy and I made sure that none of them kissed his lips before I have since I know that Kim did it with Stormi.

Once he is back in his eyes, his eyelids are fluttering as if he wants to stay awake. I have my makeup touched up by Kim before we do our first family photoshoot. We make sure to include Jose as much as we can because this is as much of his moment as it is mine. 

"What name have you decided on?" The nurse asks and I pull a face as I stare into my son's eyes. I lift him up so that I can get a good look at him.

"Cristian Álvaro Kardashian Balvin." I whisper to Jose and he begins to tear up so I tell the nurse the name before pulling my boy down for a kiss.

" I whisper to Jose and he begins to tear up so I tell the nurse the name before pulling my boy down for a kiss

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"I love you Cristian." Jose kisses his head then kisses mine. "The next generation." 

"He is beautiful." My mom comments as she looks at him in awe. "I'm so proud of you Kandi."

"Thank you." I kiss her cheek while clutching my boy to my chest. 

Welcome to the world Cristian Álvaro Kardashian Balvin.

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