Call Me Baby?

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(Y/N) was sitting in her room at her parents' house trying to figure out how to solve a stupid Maths problem when her phone buzzed, showing a new message from her best friend and also crush Harrison:

I'm back home, dinner at our place? Xx

He had been travelling the world with his other best friend Tom Holland. Of course the girl was sad to see him do all that exciting stuff without her but she couldn't be prouder of the two of them. Tom lived his life to the fullest, bringing Harrison with him to show him the world. Although there wasn't a day the three of them didn't talk for at least 5 minutes on FaceTime, she missed Harrison like crazy.

I'll be right there xx

Grabbing her phone and her keys, she made her way over to their house, ringing the door-bell to announce her arrival. Soon after, (Y/N) was standing in front of the blonde boy she hadn't seen for weeks. The boy pulled her into a tight hug, loving the feeling of happiness that shot through his body now that the both of them were finally reunited.

"Hey (Y/N), missed you." He mumbled through the girl's hair.

"Missed you too H." She smiled when she left his arms, immediately missing his body warmth.

"Come on, time for me to show you my amazing cooking skills. Maybe you'll learn something from me." The blonde boy grinned at the girl in front of him before leading her to the kitchen.

"What are we cooking?"



"Uh... Pasta?" Harrison laughed.

"You really want to eat pasta without anything else? Like the dry noodles? Without anything?" The girl started to laugh at her idiot of best friend. He usually was the one cooking and usually he thought of something way more creative than pasta - pasta without anything else.

"I'm joking! We're making Sushi." He grinned when he was hit by a kitchen towel.

"I was just thinking about a way to tell you that something had suddenly come up and that I had to ditch you." She giggled and looked at her best friend who was just now realizing how much he had missed her. How much he had missed her laugh and how much he had missed her laughing about something he said.

"You know I couldn't do that to you, I know you love your food and I know I have a reputation to uphold. I wouldn't want you to think I'm a cheap deal." Harrison laughed, preparing the rice for the Sushi. (Y/N) stood next to him, trying to figure out how to cut the vegetables in front of her without trying to cut her whole hand off. The girl had a talent for hurting herself and she was one hundred percent sure that at least one of her fingers would end up in that Sushi.

"Need some help?" Her best friend grinned at her when she started pouting and silently wishing for some miracle to happen to the vegetables so they'd start cutting themselves.

"Come on. You can do this." He chuckeld standing behind her, placing his hand on top of the girl's, helping her slice the cucumber in half. Having him this close should be nothing new for (Y/N) at this point in their friendship and it definitely shouldn't make her that nervous to feel his breath against her skin or feel his other hand on her hip - but it did and it started to drive the girl crazy.

"I can do this, Harrison. Go look after your damn rice." The girl laughed before starting to cut the vegetable herself. Harrison's hand left the girls hip when he turned around to get the fish out of the fridge.

"Babe, could you...." Did she just? (Y/N) stopped dead in her tracks, before deciding that it was best to act like she didn't just call her best friend Babe.

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