Love at first sight?

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You heard your front door open as you were standing in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the evening. Harrison had promised your kids to pick them up from practice, but before you could shout a quick greeting, you heard that Harrison and Isabella were arguing about something.

"Dad! I'm 16 years old! Don't tell me what to do." You heard your daughter groan as you dried your hands to check out the situation and maybe try to calm both of them down a bit.

"Sweetheart, I already told you that you couldn't go." Your husband said as you approached the two of them.

"What's going on?" You asked, looking to your 12 year old son who was rolling his eyes at both of them.

"She has a boyfriend and dad is freaking out." Your son shrugged before making his way towards his room.

Oh boy.

"I don't have a boyfriend, you ass!" Isabella shouted just as you heard the door to your boy's room close, "Mum help me here!"

"Could someone tell me what's going on? Please?" Your eyes were wandering back and forth between your husband and your daughter before she decided to be the first one to speak up.

"Josh asked me out today." She said as she looked over to her dad, "And he told me that I wasn't allowed to go! He's acting as if I am still a baby."

"You are still a baby, Bella." Harrison said as he seemed to be calming down a bit.

"Dad! I don't get why you are so against me going out with Josh, you know him! He's a great guy."

"Of course I know him, but that doesn't change the fact that you're not dating him." Harrison shrugged as you were struggling to get a word in.

"Babe," you said as you were stepping next to your husband, "Maybe this is something you should let me handle." You laughed as you kissed his cheek and pushed him towards the kitchen.

"If you tell her she can go I'm not going to talk to you for the next two weeks." Harrison groaned as you burst out laughing.

"Who's the baby now, huh?" Shaking you head you turned back around to your daughter who couldn't help herself but watch the interaction between her parents with a slight smile on her face. She may be pissed at her dad, but she knew that the two of you loved each other unconditionally and she was only hoping to find something like that herself.

"Come on, let's get away from this freak." You said loud enough for Harrison to hear from the kitchen and you could only imagine him throwing his head back, debating on whether or not to storm back out.

The two of you made your way to your daughters room where you sat down on her bed. You knew she had liked Josh for a long time now and you did too. He was a great kid and he tried his best to look out for Bella, but you knew that you would have this conversation with her at some point. Mostly because you knew Harrison would freak the day she started growing up.

"So, how did he ask you out?" You smiled as you turned to you daughter.

"It wasn't anything special, he kind of just came up to me and asked me if I was free tomorrow and if I wanted to see a movie with him." Your daughter blushed as she tried to hide the smile on her face, "And I didn't know if he was really asking me out, so, I asked if anyone else from our friends was coming and he said he hoped that it could be only us two this time."

"You really like him, huh?"

"Yes, yes I really like him. He's great and I couldn't have wished for a better best friend and if he gets to be my boyfriend as well, it's a win win situation, right? I mean, you married your best friend! I don't get why dad hates Josh so much." Your daughter whined as she let her head fall onto your shoulder.

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