Cuddles and Kisses

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Listening to the sound of rain that was coming from outside, you lay on the couch in your living room. It was a normal Wednesday afternoon for you until you heard your doorbell ring.

You usually didn't get a lot of unannounced visits, especially since your closest friends were in Venice at the moment. Being friends with Tom Holland and his brothers and friends had its benefits, but it was also frustrating at some points, because it meant that he always took Harrison with him.

Harrison Osterfield. The most amazing guy on this planet and probably the only person you would take a bullet for. Ever since he was busy travelling the world with Tom, you realized how much he meant to you and how much you missed him when he wasn't around. The boy tried his best to take you with him sometimes but you had your own life in London and you couldn't just not go to Uni and not go to work.

Getting up from your comfortable position you made your way towards the front door. Once you opened the door, you were greeted by none other than your best friend, who looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

"What are you doing here?" You smiled before you were immediately pulled into a hug by the blonde, "Okay? Are you alright?"

Harrison still had his face buried in your shoulder as he shook his head to tell you he wasn't alright.

"Weren't you supposed to fly to Venice today?" You asked, stroking up and down the boy's back.

"I'm feeling like shit." He mumbled, "Couldn't sleep last night because I couldn't breathe and was coughing the whole time."

"Why are you here then? Want to get me sick as well?" You laughed, making Harrison lift his head up from your shoulder.

"I missed you and I need someone to take care of me while I'm ill." He smiled.

Your eyes roamed his face. How could you not immediately see it after you opened the door? His nose was redder than the nose of Rudolph the Reindeer. Nonetheless, he still looked as handsome as ever.

"Come on, let's get you in bed." You laughed as you lightly pushed him in the direction of your bedroom.

The boy collapsed on your bed before wiggling his way under your covers to get himself comfortable.

"Want some tea? Or some soup?" You smiled as you stood next to him, your hand finding their way to his soft hair.

"Just need you." He mumbled before moving over and pat the now empty space next to him.

"You're going to get me sick." You groaned but got into bed next to him anyway - because who were you to say no to this blue eyed Sunshine.

"I don't care. I want cuddles. And I want them from you." He grinned before pulling you into his arms.

Resting your head on his chest, you silently listened to his heartbeat while his hand was playing with some strands of your hair.

"Want me to put on a movie?" You asked.

"No. Jus' want to enjoy this here with you." He said before placing a soft kiss on the top of your head, making you almost go dizzy.

You did so well in hiding your true feelings for the boy, but in moments like these it was hard to not tell him that you loved him. To not press soft kisses all over his face and to not call him your Boyfriend.

"You should sleep. You look like you need it." You lifted your head to look at him when you realized that he was already looking at you.

"Only if you stay with me." He smiled before a coughing fit hit him, making you scoot away from him for a moment.

"I hate being ill." He groaned as he pulled you close to him again, "My nose is blocked and I'm dying."

"You'll survive, H." You smiled, "But I can't promise the same if you get me sick as well."

"Then I will take care of you." He chuckled.

"You won't because you're going to be away again and I'm going to be here, dying, alone, with no one to cuddle me." You whined as Harrison laughed.

"You're a drama queen." He laughed as his grip around you tightened.

"So are you." You lightly hit his chest, "Come on, let's take a nap, you'll feel a lot better afterwards."

It took him only minutes to drift off to sleep. He looked exhausted and you were glad that he was going to get some rest. After a while you felt yourself being lulled to sleep as well.

Harrison was still sleeping beside you when you woke up again. Not being able to stay in his arms because of the heat that was radiating from him, you decided to get up and make the poor boy some soup, so he could at least try and eat something when he woke up.

You had been in the kitchen for barely 10 minutes when you felt arms wrap around you from behind.

"You weren't there when I woke up." The still sleepy voice mumbled.

"Thought I'd cook you something." You said before turning around, "How are you feeling?"

Pulling your hand up to feel the boy's forehead, you were glad that he at least didn't have a fever.

"Like shit." He groaned, "But a little better after that nap."

"You're going to be fine." You laughed before placing a kiss on the boys cheek and turning around to stir the soup that was still cooking on your stove.

"You missed the spot." The blonde smiled, pointing to his lips when you turned back around to see what he was talking about.

"I-I what?" You stuttered, not knowing where this was coming from all of a sudden.

"I got my cuddles, now I want kisses." He grinned, suddenly a lot more awake and confident than he was only minutes ago.

"I'm not going to kiss you as long as your sick, H." Your hand reached out to stroke the boy's cheek when you saw his lips form a grin.

"Is that the only reason why you don't want to kiss me?" It was only now that you realized that you basically told him that you would without a doubt kiss him if he wasn't a coughing mess.

"Shut up, how much medicine did you take?" You shook your head as you turned back around, now turning off the stove.

"You're really going to deny a sick boy kisses from the person he's in love with?" Harrison mumbled as he pulled you back into his arms.

"Y-You're... what?" You didn't know what to say. Did Harrison just admit that he had feelings for you as well?

"I'm in love with you, (Y/N)." He said again after you had turned around to finally face him.

"You are?" You couldn't hide the smile that was spreading on your face.

"I am." He chuckled, "Now, can you please just kiss this boy who's dying for a little bit of love?"

"H, just because I love you doesn't mean that I want to be sick because of you."

"So, you love me?" He grinned as your eyes widened.


"You love me!" Harrison grinned as he pulled you into his arms, "Fucking hell, please just kiss me. I'm begging you."

Finally giving in to the whining boy, you closed the gap between you two - getting yourself sick for the next week. Totally worth it.

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