Laser Tag

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"I'm so going to destroy you - again" You laughed, pushing Harrison out of your way as you were on your way to the laser tag arena.

The two of you were pretty competitive and the fact that Tom and his brothers also joined you was going to make the game even more intense. Over the past two years you were used to all the shit talk that was going down between the games and you had become quite a pro at laser tagging, usually leaving Harrison far behind in the overall score.

Harrison was your best friend ever since he ran into you on a night out and almost made you greet the floor with your face. After he stopped apologizing, the two of you actually had a decent conversation which resulted in you leaving the club to grab a midnight snack. Up until this day it was still the funniest night you ever had in your life, because Harrison showed you his dorkiest side, making you cry from laughing too much. So, somehow he managed to literally run into your life from one minute to another, bringing Tom and his brothers with him.

"(Y/N), did you hit your head? Because you're talking so much bullshit, it's unreal." Harrison laughed throwing his arm around your shoulder, making you groan.

"Harrison, you've literally never won a game when I wasn't on your team, what makes you think you're going to win today?" You laughed, removing his arm from around you.

"She's got a point there, mate." Harry laughed, patting the blonde boy's shoulder.

"Are we playing three teams of two or two teams of three?" Tom asked when he came back with a piece of paper where you were supposed to put in your names.

"I wanna be with (Y/N)!" Paddy, the youngest of the Holland brother's, shouted, making you ruffle his hair.

"I'll take the Padster, still better than Harrison." You grinned at your best friend who sent a pout your way.

"That's very rude, but also very true." Tom laughed putting Harrison's name next to his own, teaming up Harry and Sam as well.

The six of you got the final instructions from the guy that was working at the arena before you were allowed to put on your vests and got sent off into the dimly lit arena.

"You're going down, (Y/N)." Harrison shouted as he followed Tom who was running in the opposite direction of where Paddy and you were headed. You lost track of where Harry and Sam went but they weren't really a competition, you just wanted to win against Harrison.

One round lasted 20 minutes and you were on a roll, shooting everyone that came your way and only getting hit a few times by Harry and Tom. Paddy was also doing quite well from what you could gather whilst paying attention to everything around you and running around the arena without running against a wall. You weren't surprised to see that the winners of round one were Paddy and you with Harry and Sam coming second and leaving Harrison and Tom in the last place.

"Told you I'd destroy you." You giggled as you exited the arena to take a break.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see about the next game, Love." Harrison grinned before realizing that the pet name he had given you inside his head had escaped his lips for the first time.

"Love, aye? Did I miss something?" Harry grinned at the two of you who were currently blushing like crazy.

"You know, the three of us-" Harry continued before Tom jumped up from his seat next to you to put his hand in front of Harry's mouth.

"The three of you what?" Harrison narrowed his eyes at the Holland boys, making them avoid his glance and leaving you even more confused to what was going on right now.

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