Lucky Date Shirt

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It was a hot summer afternoon as you made your way to your freezer in the hopes of finding an ice lolly or something that was going to cool you down a bit. It had been an absolute sauna in your flat over the past few days and the fact that Harrison was back home made it worse, because you were definitely not going to walk around in just your underwear in front of him, so tough luck for you.

Harrison had been your friend for the past year and your roommate for the past three months. Tom had taken off to America to film three movies, which meant that Harrison would've been alone in their house, so he had decided to move in with you - and before you even knew about it, his clothes were stored in your spare room and his shampoo and shower gel were accompanying your stuff in the bathroom.

You weren't complaining though, he was a great roommate and it didn't hurt that he was also paying rent, making your financial situation a lot better than it had been before. His rent was always on time and he wasn't as messy as you had thought he was.

The only thing that made it difficult to live with him was his stupid face. Harrison was easy on the eye. A real fucking angel, and he didn't even try to look like that, it's just how he was born - and how he had managed to sneak his way into your heart. Yes, you were crushing on your mate, and you were really getting annoyed with it, because the boy had this habit of going on tons of date whenever he was home.

Harrison knew he had this effect on people and he didn't mind having some fun once in a while, but he had never been really serious about anyone since he had moved in with you, which meant you sometimes had some awkward encounters in the kitchen with his date for the night, but you usually never saw them again and you didn't mind one bit.

You didn't know if Harrison knew how you felt about him, but for you it seemed pretty obvious that you liked him a lot more than you should. Either he decided to ignore it or he was just really clueless about the situation you were in when it came to your feelings for him.

"(Y/N)?" Harrison's voice ripped you out of your thoughts while you were still standing in front of the freezer, the ice lolly completely forgotten as you were thinking about no other than the boy who had now appeared in the doorway.

"What's up?" You smiled as you pulled out the last ice lolly, making a mental note to go buy new one's tomorrow.

"Do you have any clue where my white shirt is? I kind of need it tonight?" Harrison asked.

His white shirt meant one thing, and one thing only: He had a date tonight and you would probably be sleeping with your earbuds in.

"No clue, have you checked the washing machine?" You said before you popped the lolly into your mouth.

"I have, not there." He said as his eyes went to the lolly in your mouth and you swear you could see him gulp for a second before his eyes found yours again.

"What about your mess of a wardrobe?" You rolled your eyes as you focused on licking the melting ice of the popsicle.

"It's not a mess and it's not in there." Harrison mumbled, "Are you sure it's not somewhere in your room?"

"Why would it?"

"Because you tend to steal my hoodies when I'm gone, who knows what else you steal." He chuckled as your eyes went wide. You didn't know he knew about you grabbing a hoodie here and there, it was just, that they were a lot more comfortable than yours - and they smelled like him.

"N-no, I don't." You tried to play innocent.

"I know you do." He grinned, "There's no way any detergent would make them smell this good without you wearing them, Love."

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