Birthday Surprise

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"Are you sure you can't make it?" Harrison asked one last time as you were lying on your shared sofa as he stood next to you, almost begging you to join him on his trip to Berlin.

It would be his birthday tomorrow and he was going to Berlin for a fashion show. Everything had been pretty last minute and you were in the middle of studying for exams which meant that you were stressed and busy as hell.

"Harrison, I can't. I'm sorry, but you're going to be back really soon right?" You asked your roommate and best friend who was looking at you with a pout displayed on his face.

"Thought we were best friends. Forever." He whined as you let out a laugh and stood up to pull him into a hug.

"We will always be best friends - just not in Berlin tomorrow."

"Fine! I'll be flying alone and I won't be having any fun because you won't be there and maybe someone will kidnap me and I'll never come back and you will be the one responsible for that because you were not there with me and I was all alone - with no one to help me." Your little drama queen said before he let his arms fall from your waist, taking a step back to grab his suitcase.

"You're really good at this acting thing, you should try it sometime." You grinned, "Hey wait, I know the actor from the new Spider-Man, if you want I can ask him if they could get you a job."

"Thinking about it, maybe spending some time away from you isn't the worst thing." The blue eyed boy chuckled as you let out a gasp.

"Take that back. You love me."

"Sure, just keep telling yourself that if it'll make you feel better, Love." He winked before he pulled out his phone to check the time.

Harrison wasn't wrong, you really wished he did love you like you loved him. You had been crushing on him ever since you had met him, ever since he had introduced himself to you back in year 10. That had been almost a decade ago, and your crush only grow stronger up to the point where you were just incredibly scare about even admitting to yourself that you were madly in love with your roommate and best friend.

"Gotta catch our flight, you coming?" Harrison grinned as he picked up his backpack as you rolled your eyes, "Okay that was my last attempt to get you to join me, but I guess I'm really not good enough for you." Another pout.

"For fucks sake, H." You let out a laugh as you pulled him into another hug, "Leave before I kick your stupid ass out."

"Enjoy being bored to death." Harrison chuckled as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, making you almost lose balance, "I'll see you soon."

You watched the boy wave at you one last time before he closed the door behind him. Truth was, he had made you feel guilty about letting him go on this trip alone, let alone letting him spend his birthday alone in Germany.

Letting out a groan you pulled up the British Airways website to check for the next flight to Berlin. The things you would do for this boy who didn't even know how much he meant to you.

Booking the next flight out to Berlin, you had a few hours left to pack and then get to the airport.

Harrison: I'm bored.

You let out a chuckle as you read the text message Harrison had just sent you. He wasn't even out of the country and he already complained via text about you not joining him.

You: Get a grip, mate.

You stood in front of your closet not knowing what to bring because you technically would be in Berlin for about 24 hours which meant you were technically good with just one or two outfits, but what would you be doing there?

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