Sleepless Nights

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Lying in your bed on a usual Thursday night, you were tossing and turning, not able to fall asleep even at two a.m.. Somehow it had been hard for you to get some proper sleep for the past nights, resulting in you being exhausted but still not able to sleep.

You let out a groan as you reached for your phone next to you. Pushing the call button next to the familiar name you only had to wait a few rings until the other person picked it up.

"What's up?" A sleepy voice mumbled.

"Sorry for waking you up, but I still can't seem to fall asleep and you told me I could always call you..."

"Of course you can always call me, Love." You smiled at Harrison calling you Love.

Harrison had been your best friend for years. You met at the "Kid's Club" when both of your families were on holiday at the same time and staying in the same hotel. If that wasn't fate enough, you soon learned that the blue eyed boy lived only minutes away from your home, leading to the two of you not only spending your holidays but also the other days being inseparable.

It's been about ten years since you first met and it was safe to say that the kid he used to be wasn't there any more. The boy grew up into a handsome young man, leaving you speechless for a split second every time you saw him.

Harrison introduced you to Tom only a few days after they first started talking. Years later, the blue eyed boy was travelling the world with him and you couldn't be prouder of the two of them. Nonetheless, Harrison being away for half of his life was always hard on you, but you refused to tell him. The boy was living his best life and he deserved every chance he could get to boost his own career.

"Wanna tell me what's been keeping you from sleeping?"

"I don't know. I'm so exhausted but my mind somehow doesn't want to shut up and then I lie awake for hours thinking about absolute bullshit." You groaned as you tossed to your side. "I just feel like my brain needs a day off."

"See, that's the reason I can sleep, my brain is always on a day off." You could almost see the boy's grin when he said that.

"You're an idiot." You chuckled.

"Come on, tell me about your day, maybe you just need to get some stuff off your mind."

You started telling him about your day as he threw in some funny remarks here and there. Talking to Harrison always made you feel like there were no other concerns in the world, like nothing mattered to him except for your own happiness.

"Thank you for listening to my stupid rambling." You smiled as you finished talking about your day.

"You know I'm always there for you. Although your days seems to be pretty boring." He laughed, "Now do me favour and open your front door, Love."


"You ordered some cuddles, I'm here to deliver them." You could almost hear him grin as you got up from your bed to walk to your front door where you were met by the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen.

"Cuddles for (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" He grinned as he opened his arms for you to dive into.

"Why are you here?" You mumbled against the boy's chest. He was in sweatpants and seemed to have put on the next shirt he could find because usually he was really picky about his outfits, but this time it didn't match one bit.

"You need some sleep, Beautiful. And I'm not going to let you be exhausted all day, especially when I'm around to cuddle you to sleep." He smiled as he kissed the top of your head.

"I somehow doubt it will help." You groaned as he walked you back to your bedroom.

"We'll see."

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