Drunken Jealousy

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What do you do if the most annoying fuckboy you have ever crossed paths with asks you to go partying with him and his famous friend?

Obviously, you say yes,

- because he is also your best friend.

Harrison Osterfield was your cliché fuckboy. His life consisted of lots of alcohol, lots of sleeping around, but also of lots of spending time with you if he wasn't living his other life. You couldn't blame him for hooking up with all those girls, the blonde boy looked like he stepped straight out of a photoshoot, but you would be lying if you said it didn't annoy you that he was currently too busy chatting up a random girl rather than to be spending time with you.

The two of you hadn't seen each other for more than three weeks, but Harrison had finally gotten home from filming in Italy and his best friend, Tom, was on a break from filming Spider-Man, so the two of them were naturally drawn to London's nightlife. You were used to tagging along, but mostly Tom went home early because of his busy schedule and Harrison went home with someone else, leaving you to down a few shots by yourself before making your way home alone.

You sometimes wondered why you were keeping up with the boy's daily bullshit rather than to just ignore his lifestyle and the boy himself. It wasn't unusual for him to show up at your place in the middle of the night, drunk off his ass, asking if he could crash at your place or sometimes he even called you to pick him up from his last one night stand's place. Of course, it annoyed you, but that's what best friends do, right?

"You're too beautiful to be lost in such deep thoughts on a Saturday night." You were ripped out of your thoughts by a stranger approaching the empty space next to you. His black hair and dark brown eyes made him look like the complete opposite of your best friend.

"W-What?" You asked as you turned your body to face the man that so suddenly appeared next to you.

"Boy troubles?" He laughed as he sat down next to you. There was no point in denying that he was absolutely gorgeous.

"There has to be a boy in the first place for me to have boy troubles." You laughed.

"Looks like it is my lucky day, then. I'm James." He smiled as he held out his hand to introduce himself to you.


Not seeing the looks Harrison sent you from across the room, you kept the conversation with James going. He was a nice guy, but being out with Harrison that much, you knew that it was all a game to him. He wasn't any different from your best friend, James was looking for a fun night and nothing more - but something told you to just roll with it for once in your life.

"Who's this guy? And why do you look like you're about to punch the shit out of him?" Tom laughed when he saw Harrison eyeing the guy next to you like he was going to regret the minute he started talking to you.

"Maybe, because I'm currently debating on whether or not to rip his head off or not." Harrison growled when he saw the guy brush a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Don't fuck this up for (Y/N), mate. She deserves some fun once in a while." Tom laughed, patting his friends shoulder.

"Yeah, but not with him."

"Is there something you need to tell me?" Tom grinned, realizing that Harrison wasn't that pissed solely because he was looking out for his best friend. This was jealousy, something Tom had never seen coming from Harrison before.

"Why can't she just go after the decent guys?"

"Define decent guys?"

"Guys that don't make me want to rip their heads of." Harrison groaned as he downed another shot, the girl next to him long gone.

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