Be My Date?

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Crushing on your best friend was not something you ever planned on doing. You had seen your friends start dating their best friends only for them to break up and never speak to each other again.

The best friends to lover trope was something that only happened in movies and books. It wasn't something that was going to happen to you, because your best friend wasn't just your usual best friend, he was Harrison Osterfield. Actor. Model. Idiot. And last but not least the owner of the face of an angel.

You wish you could quote that stupid John Green Quote everyone had posted back in 2012, but you didn't fall in love as you fell asleep, you would probably deny it if anyone asked but you fell hard before he even was your best friend. The minute you saw him standing across the dancefloor, you felt the world around you disappear, it felt like something important had happened, like something that was supposed to happen.

The boy with the blue eyes made your heart beat like crazy - until his girlfriend, well now ex girlfriend, wrapped his arms around him before leading him to their table where his mates where waiting for him.

You had fallen in and out of love with Harrison on the night you had met for the first time. You were waiting for drinks as it was your turn to buy the next round and Harrison was the one to buy the drinks for his group.

"Six Vodka Soda and one Coke please!" You heard someone shout next to you while you were impatiently tapping your foot, hoping that the bartender was almost done with your order.

You would've choked on your drink if you had one to choke on when you saw that it was the guy who had captured your attention from across the room. You hated yourself for wondering how soft his hair was, because you had literally seen him with his - probably - girlfriend.

"How long have you been waiting for? Seems like it's been a while?" You suddenly heard him say. As awkward as you were you turned around to see if he meant someone behind you, but there was no one there, "I'm talking to you." He grinned as you faced him again.

"Feels like it's been centuries." You laughed, not really knowing why he was talking to you, "I ordered here like 5 minutes before you arrived."

"Oh great, looks like you'll be my company for the next centuries then." He laughed as he held out his hand for you to shake, "I'm Harrison."

You spend the next five to ten minutes talking to Harrison while you were both waiting for your drinks to be ready and you enjoyed the conversation with him a lot, but soon enough you were walking away with you drinks as he made his way towards his friends, making you assume that you were never going to see the boy with the bright blue eyes again.

Weeks passed and you would be lying if you said you thought about Harrison again, but it almost seemed like destiny that you were asked to fly out to Italy to work as an Assistant Production Coordinator on the set of a new TV Series produced by the one and only George Clooney.

Production had been going on for about three weeks when you were handed a new script to give to the kid who was playing the role of Christopher Snowden. You had been told that he was currently trying on his Uniform, so you were headed in that direction.

Harrison Osterfield

Reading the name, your mind immediately had gone back to the gorgeous boy you had met on a night out only a few months ago. You wondered what he was doing right now and if you were ever going to see him again, but it was only a few minutes later that you had been able to answer both of those questions: He was getting dressed, and yes, you would definitely see him again.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I've got—" You entered the trailer where the kid was supposed to be only to be greeted by a six pack that you definitely didn't check out longer than you were supposed to, "Shit, I'm so sorry." You said as you turned back around, not even looking Harrison in the eye as you felt the heat creep up your cheeks.

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