Birthday Confessions

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Happy Birthday, Harrison!

Happy Birthday to this beautiful human being.

Happy Birthday, blue eyes.

You woke up to your phone blowing up with notifications. Being Harrison Osterfield's best friend meant that you sometimes got tagged in Instagram pictures that were meant for him. The fans knew you and they knew you spent way too much time on your phone, usually ending up liking most of the pictures you were tagged in.

Today was Harrison's 22nd birthday, which mean that the tags were rolling in, making you turn off your notifications for the day. Going through some of the pictures people had posted made you smile. You couldn't be prouder of your childhood best friend. The boy just filmed Catch-22 and was now back to working with Tom and it was safe to say that he enjoyed every single minute of it.

Scrolling through your feed, your eyes landed on a collection of pictures of the two of you, posted by (Y/S/N).

Happy Birthday Harrison! Any guesses what (Y/N) is getting Haz for his birthday?

It wasn't unusual for the two of you to be the fans favourite ship. Harrison and you were very aware of the fact that you two sometimes looked like an actual couple. You did coupley things and behaved like a real couple - without the benefits of feeling his soft lips on your own and getting to call him yours.

You still remember the day you followed (Y/S/N) on Instagram, making social media explode. Harrison just smiled when you told him what had happened and why everyone was spamming him with questions about you.

I'd tell you guys, but knowing him, he's already stalking, so no spoilers from me x

You commented on the post before locking your phone and getting out of your bed to take a shower and get ready to start the day.

Harrison would be on the Far From Home set all day which gave you plenty of time to organize a little surprise at Tom and Harrison' place. Tom gave you his spare key so you could go over in the morning to decorate and get things ready for when they got home.

After putting on some casual clothes, you checked you phone to see that you had gotten a message from Harrison.


Laughing to yourself, you quickly typed a reply.

H, you literally just exposed yourself.

Harrison: Did not.

Harrison: No "Happy Birthday to the best person on earth. Thank you for being the best. I love you."? Thanks.

Tom's birthday was last month?

Harrison: I hate you. I hate you so much. Are you coming over tonight?
Harrison: Or at least visiting me on set?
Harrison: I miss you.

You felt your heart flutter as you read that he missed you - after only two days of not seeing each other. You spent as much time with Harrison as possible because you knew that sooner or later he would be leaving with Tom or for another one of his projects again and being away from each other usually made you go crazy.

When he had been filming in Atlanta with Tom, you didn't see each other for three months and it was safe to say that the two of you never wanted to see that happen again, so as he was in Montreal for Chaos Walking, you packed your bags after a month of not seeing each other and made your way over to spend some quality time with your best friend.

Ugh, you're annoying tho.

Harrison: I'll see you at 7pm then.

Obviously, idiot. Happy Birthday, Pretty Boy.

Your face hurt from smiling at your phone too much. You loved Harrison, he always knew what to say and he never let you down. He was the best friend everyone needed in their life. Who said you couldn't have a platonic friendship with a handsome boy?

You shook your head at that thought, because you very well knew that this wasn't platonic at all - well at least for you it wasn't. You first realized you had fallen for your best friend when you picked him up at the airport after being away for a few weeks. Seeing his blue eyes again made your heartbeat speed up and your knees go weak. You knew you had it bad.

You made your way over to the boys place with a few things you had gotten earlier this week sitting safely in your backpack. It was only a ten minute walk to their house and you were impressed to see that the rooms weren't as messy as you imagined them to be.

Tom had asked you to order some pizza for when they got home. You figured he had invited his brother's as well, so you ordered a few different pizzas for the evening. After putting up a few balloons and a big ass banner, handmade and designed by Mr. Tom Holland himself, which read Happy Birthday, Hazzy Boy, you were done a few hours later, leaving you enough time to head back to your house to get ready t go back to the boys place an hour before they arrived.

You were waiting in the living room when you heard the front door unlock, followed by the laughter of the boy that meant the world to you. Only a few seconds later the two roommates walked inside the living room. Your eyes focused on the dark blonde boy who's jaw dropped when he saw the scene in front of him. His eyes wandered from the banner to you as his mouth formed a smile.

"Thought I am annoying." He grinned before opening his arms for you. You gladly took the chance to dive into his arms.

"You are annoying." You giggled as you felt him tighten his grip around you. Not minding one bit, you relaxed into his touch, making your skin tingle where he was touching you.

"Happy Birthday, H." You smiled, placing a soft kiss on his lips. Before you realized what you had done, you felt Harrison pull you back for more. Your mind went dizzy. Were you really just standing there kissing Harrison?

Holy shit! You were kissing Harrison!

Your eyes opened wide as you pulled away from the kiss.

"I think this was the best present you could've gotten me." Harrison grinned at you as you were still trying to understand what just happened.

"W-What? I, uh, I'm sorry, I- I shouldn't have done that." You felt yourself getting flustered and embarrassed by the fact that you just fucking kissed your best friend after wishing him Happy Birthday.

"Believe me, Love. I didn't mind one bit." He smiled as he placed his hand on your cheek pulling you in for another kiss as you finally let yourself accept the fact that maybe (Y/S/N) was a real thing after all.

"Yeah, that's just awkward for me to be standing here isn't it? I'll uh, just be in my room if you need me." You heard Tom say as you were still too mesmerized by feeling Harrison's lips on your own.

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